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Category: Investment Fraud

Aug 12, 2021 - Annuities by |

San Mateo County Annuity and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: The Risks And Dangers of Indexed Annuities For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Not The Same As Index Fund Investments High Sales Commissions, Fees And Withdrawal Penalties Annuities Are Not Insure Investments Whenever an insurance agent approaches you with a deferred annuity, like an indexed annuity dig a little deeper to understand how these indexed annuities operate in real life. Indexed […]

Jun 21, 2021 - Annuities by |

California and Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Unsuitable Annuities Sold To Older Consumers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Disadvantages of Deferred Annuities High Pressure Sales And Other Questionable Practices Replacements And Exchanges Particularly Disadvantageous Deferred annuities present real, potential problems for seniors through contract costs and especially the surrender penalties incurred when the policyholder wants to take his or her money out. When selling annuities to […]

California and San Francisco CFTC Whistleblower and Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: CFTC, Financial Elder Abuse, And Gold Scams

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER CFTC Charges Individual And Firm With Precious Metals Fraud Gold And Silver Scams Often Target Older Investors Financial Elder Abuse And Whistleblower Cases Precious metal dealers entice investors by promising to fulfill orders for silver or gold and actually deliver the metals to the investors.  Often the promised […]

May 18, 2021 - Annuities Fraud by |

Napa County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Insurance Products And Recurring Sales Practices That Defraud Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER SEC Alert: Stories From The Front Line Major Red Flag: Spectacular Returns and “Guarantees” Seek Help If You Have Been Defrauded One significant forms of financial elder abuse is the sale to seniors of unsuitable insurance products.  These products, such as deferred annuities and some unsuitable life insurance […]

Alameda County Financial Elder And Dependent Abuse Attorney: Alleged Identity Theft And Unauthorized Credit Card Use By Caregiver

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Made Withdrawals With Senior’s ATM Card Stolen Money Sent Out Of United States Another Caregiver Alerts Police Forced isolation of seniors here in Alameda County as a result of the coronavirus has increased senior and dependent vulnerability to abuse from all directions and separated seniors from […]

Los Angeles County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: 94-Year-Old Widow Wins $19 Million In Suit Against Bank For Fraud And Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Arbitrator Awards $19 Million To Victim Of Fraud And Financial Elder Abuse Allegations of Forgeries And Unauthorized Stock Purchases  FINRA Finds Fraud And Elder Financial Abuse Financial elder abuse can strike anyone but when the wealthy are victims, the stories of what happened to them receive national attention.  […]

Napa County and California Annuity and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: How Agents Target Seniors For Unsuitable Deferred Annuities And Replacement Transactions

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Carriers Pay Large Commissions On Annuity Sales High-Pressure Sales Tactics And Anxiety About The Economy Dangers In Replacing Existing Contracts Financial advisors and insurance agents often capitalize on the anxiety older persons have about the economy and whether they will have enough money to live on in the […]

Orange County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Megachurch Pastor Charged With Defrauding Elderly Church Members Sentenced To Six Years

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elderly Churchgoers Swindled Out Of Millions Older Church Members Encouraged To Cash Out Other Investments  $3.5 Million Taken In Scheme Financial elder abuse can come from different actors and from different directions.  Sometimes, the predator is an individual in whom the victims have a great amount of trust, […]

Feb 24, 2021 - Annuities Fraud by |

Marin County and California Annuity and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Beware High-Pressure Sales Tactics For Deferred Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Free Lunch Seminars and Ads Push “Financial Strategies” If It Sounds Too Good To Be True, It Usually Is Take Your Time and Do Your Homework Older adults are too often the targets of annuity salespeople intent on earning a sales commission.  Sales tactics include free lunch or […]

California and San Diego Whistleblower Attorneys: Blowing The Whistle On FX Options Trading Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Foreign Exchange Options Trading Fraud Commodity Futures Trading Commission Polices FX Options CFTC Announces $7 Million Civil Penalty For FX Trading Fraud The U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) polices the options trading markets in the U.S., including the market for foreign exchange options, also known as FX […]

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