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Category: insurance claim

Alameda County and California Life Insurance and Consumer Attorney: Lost Life Insurance Policies

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Lost Life Insurance Policies There are millions and millions of dollars in life insurance benefits that go begging every year. A series of investigations and audits by a multistate task force recently tallied $7.5 billion in unclaimed benefits at the country’s 25 largest life insurers. The task force […]

Feb 9, 2017 - insurance claim by |

Santa Clara Insurance Fraud and Whistleblower Attorney: California Insurance Fraud Protection Act, Insurance Code 1871.7, Insurance Fraud Whistleblowers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER California Insurance Code 1871.7 One of the primary aims of the California Insurance Code is to protect individuals from insurance fraud. As a part of that Code, the California Insurance Frauds Prevention Act (“IFPA”) allows anyone to file whistleblower lawsuits against any company engaging in insurance fraud. Indeed, […]

Nov 4, 2015 - Bay Area by |

Attorneys Weigh in on IULs

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Indexed Universal Life Insurance policy is a recent invention, only coming into existence in the last decade or so. Traditional life insurance can be traced back for centuries, and is among the most regulated and carefully monitored financial product in existence. Considering that, what’s the advantage of […]

Oct 11, 2015 - Annuities by |

What Happens to an Annuity Deferred?

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER An increasing number of seniors have been adding risky financial products to their retirement finances, guided by so-called “elder financial planners” and other shysters looking to make some money out of seniors’ life savings. One of their methods is to sell retirees a deferred annuity. The idea is […]

Oct 9, 2015 - Annuities by |

Finra Jumps in to Help Elders

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Finra, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, has decided to give financial advisers the authority to circumvent rules on trade execution when they believe that an elderly client is being manipulated or financially abused. Till now, there was no way of stopping a transaction carried out by unscrupulous relatives […]

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"After a year of frustration working with the insurance husband and I contacted Evans Law Firm. What a relief...within a month we had come to a resolution that was exceptable by all parties...THANK YOU EVANS LAW FIRM!"
Posted By: Linda Dieringer

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