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Category: Home Healthcare Facilities

Orange County Elder Abuse And Whistleblower Attorney: Elder Care Home Health Agency Pays $17 Million To Resolve False Claims Act Allegations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elder Residents In Retirement Communities Targeted Allegations Of Kickbacks For Elder Referrals Whistleblower Is Former Director Healthcare fraud, including fraud against Medicare and Medicaid, is the biggest kind of fraud perpetrated against the government.  When the targeted patients are elders, such fraud cases may also constitute elder abuse […]

Oct 18, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

The 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Nursing Home Reform Act was established by Congress to protect nursing home residents, especially their privacy, dignity and medical needs. It ensures they receive the care necessary for mental, physical and psychological well-being. The Nursing Home Reform Act ensures each resident will not be abused, receive improper […]

Oct 16, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

Elder Abuse in a New Guise?

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER In the wake of Governor Jerry Brown’s signing of the End of Life Option Act, California has become the sixth state in the US to allow physician assisted suicide. While the bill offers those in excruciating pain or discomfort the agency to end their own lives, some disability […]

Sep 19, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

Medicaid Discrimination at Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Nursing Home Reform Law prohibits discrimination based on a person’s Medicaid status or eligibility. Medicaid rates, however, are often much lower than those paid by Medicare and private insurance residents, which can lead to residents being treated as second-class citizens in a nursing home. Approximately two-thirds of […]

Sep 15, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

Medicare and Medicaid for Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Medicare and Medicaid programs differ in the way that they pay for nursing home care. It is important for nursing home residents and their loved ones to understand the coverage they have under their particular program. Medicare coverage functions like a health insurance policy, with either the beneficiary […]

Jul 20, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

Understanding Medicare for Caregivers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER This year is the 50th anniversary of the Medicare program, and caregivers often find navigating Medicare and Medicaid to be one of the most difficult parts of managing a loved one’s finances and healthcare. San Francisco elder abuse attorneys emphasize that caregivers should know the basics and major […]

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