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Category: Financial Exploitation

California And Marin County Elder Abuse Attorney: Dementia And The Trauma Of Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Elder Abuse Of Seniors With Dementia The Devastating Toll Legislation To Prevent Elder Abuse  Elder abuse takes a devastating toll particularly on those seniors afflicted with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia.  Those who live with Alzheimer’s or other dementia are not typically able to clearly communicate […]

Alameda County and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Exploitation Of Seniors Surging

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Incidents Of Financial Elder Abuse Up Complexity Of Cases Grows Too How Elder Abuse Counsel Can Help  Some regions of the United States are reporting over 100% increases in incidents of reported financial exploitation of seniors.  Elder advocates estimate that roughly only 1 in 14 cases of financial […]

San Francisco and California Elder Abuse Attorney: COVID-19: Fueling Ageism And Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Coronavirus Compounds Problems For Elderly  Ageist Sentiments Growing Alarming Surge In Elder Abuse Older adults have been hit hard by COVID.  The mortality rate for persons in their 70s and 80s is  over five times that of younger persons who catch the virus. Even safety protocols work against […]

Alameda County and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Suspicious Transactions Lead To Discovery Of Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Risk Of Hiring Unlicensed Caregiver Off Craigslist Caregiver Writes Unauthorized Checks Buys Herself, Daughter Cars With Senior’s Money References and background checks of persons hired as in-home caregivers are two important steps when a senior needs in-home care.  The risks of what can go wrong when a […]

San Francisco and California Elder Abuse Attorneys: When Agents Abuse Financial Powers of Attorney

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Misuse Of Financial Powers Of Attorney Agents May Exceed Authorized Powers  Understand The Extent Of An Agent’s Authorization Powers of Attorney (POAs) are important estate planning tools for everyone, especially the elderly.  Powers can cover financial matters and also health matters.  Standard forms are set out in California […]

Marin County and California Elder Abuse Attorney: How Caregivers Can Steal Patient Identity And Money

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Access To Accounts Is First Step Impersonating Senior Online And Over Phone One In Five Older Americans Are Victims Of Financial Abuse Isolated seniors can be financially exploited by almost anyone but our litigators see in-home caregivers very frequently as the abusers.  Typically, the caregiver starts out slowly […]

San Francisco and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Arrests After Two Years Of Financial Exploitation Of Elder Victims

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Federal And Local Authorities Cooperate In Prosecution False Investment Opportunities And Other Fraudulent Schemes Financial Abusers Can Be Unrelenting All seniors can be victims of financial elder abuse and that abuse may be an isolated incident or a sustained series of abuses or thefts from a senior over […]

California and Marin County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Securities and Exchange Commission Charges Advisor With Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER SEC Pursues Elder Abuse Charges Against Advisor Unauthorized Trades And Falsified Documents Betraying Trust Of Older Client The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) polices the financial markets to protect investors from fraud. The SEC’s Retail Strategy Task Force has especially focused on fraud against older investors and […]

California and Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse On The Rise And Complicated By Pandemic

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Isolation And Economic Downturn Generate More Financial Elder Abuse Pandemic Brings Financial Risks Too How Can You Protect Senior Loved Ones? As a group, by far the largest percentage of COVID-19 deaths has occurred among America’s senior population. But there is another, more subtle, danger lurking in the […]

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