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Category: financial elder abuse

Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 81-Year-Old Victim Victim Entrusted Caregiver To Pay His Bills Authorities Allege Caregiver Stole Thousands The consequences of financial elder abuse on senior victims can be devastating.  Some elderly victims are driven to the brink of homelessness due to lack of funds to pay their rent.  There are instances […]

Hillsborough Elder Abuse Attorney: Alleged Physical And Financial Elder Abuse Of Senior

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elderly Victim Suffers Financial And Physical Abuse Caregiver Accused Of Assaulting Elderly Patient Protecting Older Loved Ones Physical abuse or neglect of an elder is often coupled with financial abuse, as the allegations in one reported case, discussed below, reveal.  Greedy caregivers, intent on stealing a senior or […]

Belvedere Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Investment Advisor Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER $2 Million Missing From Seniors’ Accounts Promises Of High Returns Enticed Older Investors Money Transferred To Advisor’s Personal Accounts Evans Law Firm, Inc. represents seniors themselves who are victims of financial elder abuse and the children or other family of deceased seniors who have been financially exploited.  Often […]

Feb 19, 2024 - Annuities by |

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Fraud Attorney: Reverse Mortgages and Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Cross-Selling of Reverse Mortgages and Annuities Illegal Beware of Pressure Tactics Remedies For Injured Seniors Bay Area seniors are often approached to take out reverse mortgages on their homes.  Often, these individuals have substantial equity and significant appreciation in home value but reduced income following retirement (you have […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse By Life Insurance Agent Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Seniors Defrauded By Life Insurance Agents Case Examples Protecting Older Loved Ones Seniors may be victims of financial elder abuse from different directions – by caregivers, trustees, financial advisers, and life insurance agents, among others.  Obviously, all of these professions serve a useful purpose and the people who […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse And Fraud By Insurance Agent

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Older Clients Targeted As Victims Case Examples Protecting Older Loved Ones From Financial Exploitation Unscrupulous insurance agents sometimes abuse their profession for personal gain by committing fraud on customers, particularly targeting older consumers in some cases.  Agents may exploit older consumers by selling them expensive and unsuitable insurance […]

Mill Valley Elder Abuse Attorney: Physical And Financial Elder Abuse Of Seniors By Caregivers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Physical And Financial Abuse Of A Single Victim Caregiver Arrested On Multiple Charges Theft And Reckless Endangerment Alleged Sadly, there are dishonest persons hired as in-home caregivers for the elderly who spend their time stealing from their patients instead of caring for them.  Incidents of caregiver abuse often […]

Pebble Beach Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Abuse Of Financial Powers Of Attorney

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Broad Authority Given to POAs/Agents How That Authority Is Abused Remedies For Injured Seniors Financial powers of attorney (POAs) grant full authority over a person’s financial affairs, and medical powers of attorney, known in California as an Advance Health Care Directives (AHCDs), grant authority over medical decisions and […]

Belvedere Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Fraud On The Elderly

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Sentence For Falsifying Caregiver Time Records 94-Year-Old Victim Protecting Older Loved Ones And Pursuing Remedies Falsification of time sheets by paid caregivers is one of the ways dishonest caregivers financially exploit older persons. Altering their paychecks to make them greater is another.  Using debit and credit cards repeatedly […]

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