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Category: Evans Law Firm

Jun 24, 2024 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: Hospital System Agrees To Pay $1.5 Million To Resolve Liability Relating To Self-Disclosure Of Improper Discounts

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Patient Discounts For Service Referrals $1.5 Million Settlement How Qui Tam Cases Begin Billions of dollars are lost to fraud against the government every year.  To combat this fraud, private citizens help the government recover billions every year from those submitting false claims for government payments.  To help, […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver And Son Charged With $1 Million Fraud On Elderly Couple

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Woman And Son Allegedly Posed As Caregivers Ran $1 Million Scam On Elderly Couple Safeguarding Older Loved Ones From Financial Abuse Anyone who takes the property of a senior for a wrongful use commits financial elder abuse against their elderly victim.  Anyone who assists in the taking also […]

Jun 22, 2024 - Annuities by |

San Francisco Annuity Attorney: Deferred Annuities Are Not Good Choices For Senior Citizens

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Disadvantages For Older Consumers Costly, Complex Contracts Withdrawals Penalties, Commissions And Fees Evans Law Firm, Inc. generally recommends against certain types of deferred annuities for older consumers because these complex, expensive insurance policies may tie up a senior’s money for years and impose significant penalties if you need […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Identity Theft, Financial Exploitation Of Elderly Woman

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Police Say Thousands Spent On Online Gambling Platforms 85-Year-Old Victim Protecting Older Loved Ones Online account access and unauthorized use of debit and credit cards are two of the most widely seen kinds of theft from older persons.  The perpetrator of such theft is often a dishonest caregiver […]

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged In Theft Of Jewelry From Elderly Patients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Arrested For Theft Of Jewelry Over $70,000 In Stolen Jewelry Suspected Remedies For Seniors And Their Families Any time a caregiver or other stranger enters a senior’s home, there is a risk of financial elder abuse. Cash, checks, and credit cards may be stolen, and silver, jewelry […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged In Theft

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Accused Of Unauthorized Use Seniors’ Debit Card Withdrawals Recorded On Surveillance Cameras Remedies For Seniors And Their Families Unauthorized use of seniors’ credit and debit cards is a common type of fraud perpetrated on seniors by dishonest caregivers or other strangers with access to an elderly person’s cards.  […]

Jun 18, 2024 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: Laboratory Marketer And Physicians Agree To Pay Over $1.3M To Settle Kickback Allegations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Diagnostic Laboratory Kickback Scheme Alleged $1.3 Million Settlement How Qui Tam Cases Begin Fraud against the government costs taxpayers billions every year and the majority of fraudulent claims submitted to the government for payment arise from the healthcare sector.  To combat this fraud, private citizens help the government […]

Jun 17, 2024 - Annuities by |

San Francisco Annuity Attorney: Deferred Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Deferred Annuities Are Not For Seniors Costly, Complex Contracts Withdrawals Penalties, Commissions And Fees Evans Law Firm, Inc. generally recommends against certain types of deferred annuities for older consumers because these complex, expensive insurance policies may tie up a senior’s money for years and impose significant penalties if […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Fraud On 93-Year-Old

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Stole Checkbook 680,000 Claims Of Check Fraud Annually Nationwide Remedies For Seniors And Their Families Stolen and forged checks is a recurring form of financial elder abuse.  We have seen many cases where a dishonest caregiver, stepchild, “friend,” or other person with access to an older […]

Jun 15, 2024 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: California-Based Nursing Home Chain And Two Executives To Pay $7M To Settle Alleged False Claims

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Improper Claims For Payments Allegedly Submitted $7 Million Settlement Whistleblower To Receive Over $1.2 Million Reward Fraud against the government costs taxpayers billions every year and the majority of fraudulent claims submitted to the government for payment arise from the healthcare sector.  To combat this fraud, private citizens […]

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