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Category: Elder Physical Abuse

San Francisco and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Restraining Orders Protect Victims What Evans Law Firm Can Do To Help Restraining orders are a powerful tool in the fight to protect seniors and dependent adults from abuse. Sadly, seniors and dependent adults are vulnerable to all manner of abuse: financial, physical, sexual, and emotional/psychological[1] and restraining […]

San Francisco and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Overmedication in Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Overmedicating Nursing Home Residents Overmedication of nursing home residents is a real danger. A recent study concluded that nursing homes administer unnecessary antipsychotic drugs to 179,000 patients every week. These powerful drugs are designed to treat serious mental conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder; they are not […]

Marin County and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Nursing Home Abuse Investigations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes Serious Cases Underreported A recent federal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services disclosed that more than 25 percent of serious nursing home abuse incidents are never reported to law enforcement agencies. Unreported cases include cases where the nursing home resident’s […]

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