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Category: Elder Physical Abuse

Jan 29, 2020 - Caregiver by |

Alameda County and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Abuse of Dementia Patients in Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Dementia Patients at Risk of Intentional Abuse Gruesome Exploitation by Caregivers Nursing home abuse includes negligent abuse and neglect, and intentional abuse such as sexual assault and rape or intentional overmedication of residents or other abuse. In one recently reported case,[1] several nursing home aides were arrested for […]

Alameda County and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Sexual Assault in Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Residents at Risk of Negligence, Neglect and Intentional Abuse Cases of Sexual Assaults and Rape Increase Nursing home abuse includes negligent abuse and neglect, and intentional abuse such as sexual assault and rape or intentional overmedication of residents. Incidents of sexual assault and rape are particularly horrific but […]

Alameda County and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Overmedication in Nursing Homes and Assisted Care Facilities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Dementia Patients Particularly Vulnerable Overuse of Anti-Psychotic Drugs Incomplete Information and “Informed Consent” Thousands of dementia patients in nursing homes are being overmedicated with psychotropic drugs every day throughout the United States. One recent study found that nursing homes administer unnecessary antipsychotic drugs to 179,000 patients every week. […]

Marin and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Physical Abuse and Overmedication in Nursing Homes and Assisted Care Facilities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Dementia Patients Particularly Vulnerable Another Grave Risk: Anti-Psychotic Drugs Horrifying news of physical abuse and overmedication of nursing home and assisted living facility residents continue to come in from all around the United State and California.  In one recent report, facility staff routinely slapped, threatened and punched a […]

San Francisco and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Rape and Sexual Assault in Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Horrific Stories of Abuse, Assault and Rape of Nursing Home Residents Stories of rape and sexual assault of nursing home residents are gruesome and nightmarish. But the reality is that nursing home residents are particularly vulnerable to rape and sexual assault from nursing home staff and from intruders. […]

Aug 30, 2019 - Caregiver by |

Alameda County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Kills Elderly Patient and Drains Bank Account

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER How Caregivers Can Manipulate Vulnerable Seniors The Tragedy of One 88-Year Old Victim Our elder abuse litigators see the terrible dangers ahead when an unscrupulous caregiver gets a hold on an isolated senior’s life. Greedy caregivers will stop at nothing to lay hands on bank accounts, cash, valuables, […]

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