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Category: Elder Abuse California

Alameda County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Elder Financial Abuse Of Isolated Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER When Financial Predators Strike Taking Advantage Of Isolation And Cognitive Impairment Caregivers With Access To The Check Book Our litigators see a sadly familiar pattern in financial elder abuse cases: an elderly person’s spouse of many years dies and the survivor is left alone. Enter a stranger or […]

San Francisco and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Federal Prosecutors Tackling Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER United States Department of Justice Prosecuting Financial Elder Abusers Recent Scheme Victimized Senior Veterans Identify Theft and Unauthorized Withdrawals from Veterans’ Bank Accounts Seniors are increasingly victims of financial elder abuse more than any other form of elder abuse throughout California and the United States as a whole. […]

Alameda County and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Sexual Assault in Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Residents at Risk of Negligence, Neglect and Intentional Abuse Cases of Sexual Assaults and Rape Increase Nursing home abuse includes negligent abuse and neglect, and intentional abuse such as sexual assault and rape or intentional overmedication of residents. Incidents of sexual assault and rape are particularly horrific but […]

Alameda County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Reports of Financial Elder Abuse Soar

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Older The Victim, The Greater The Average Loss Financial Elder Abuse Can Strike Any Senior Reports of Suspicious Activity Up 300% Seniors in Alameda Countyand throughout California are increasingly victims of financial elder abuse more than any other form of elder abuse.   Caregivers, insurance agents, financial advisors, […]

Alameda County and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Overmedication in Nursing Homes and Assisted Care Facilities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Dementia Patients Particularly Vulnerable Overuse of Anti-Psychotic Drugs Incomplete Information and “Informed Consent” Thousands of dementia patients in nursing homes are being overmedicated with psychotropic drugs every day throughout the United States. One recent study found that nursing homes administer unnecessary antipsychotic drugs to 179,000 patients every week. […]

Marin and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Physical Abuse and Overmedication in Nursing Homes and Assisted Care Facilities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Dementia Patients Particularly Vulnerable Another Grave Risk: Anti-Psychotic Drugs Horrifying news of physical abuse and overmedication of nursing home and assisted living facility residents continue to come in from all around the United State and California.  In one recent report, facility staff routinely slapped, threatened and punched a […]

Alameda County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers Prey on Dementia Patients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregivers Can Manipulate Vulnerable Seniors Many Victims Never Know What’s Happening To Them Financial elder abuse is a growing crime throughout the Bay Area. Here in Alameda County authorities report a spike in financial elder abuse crimes while other forms of elder abuse have decreased.  The financial elder […]

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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