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Category: Elder Abuse California

Contra Costa Nursing Home Abuse Attorney: Abuse of 101-Year-Old Nursing Home Resident Allegedly Caught By Surveillance Camera

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Authorities Arrest Aide After Viewing Tape After Patient Complained of Mistreatment Granddaughter Installed Camera Victim’s Distress Also Recorded on Audiotapes Reported incidents of sexual abuse, assault and rape in care facilities have increased significantly over the past few years according to statistics maintained by elder advocacy groups.  Since […]

Santa Clara County Elder Abuse Attorney: Physical And Financial Elder Abuse By Caregivers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 77-Year-Old Wheelchair Patient Suffers Physical And Financial Elder Abuse Allegations Of Abuse By Caregiver  Charges Of Theft, Identity Theft And Reckless Endangerment Sadly, there are persons hired as in-home caregivers for the elderly who spend their time stealing from their wards instead of caring for them.  Incidents of […]

San Diego Nursing Home Abuse Attorney: Sexual Assaults In Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Care Facility Worker Arrested For Alleged Sexual Molestation Of Disabled Patients  Dementia Patients At Highest Risk Complaints Of Sexual Abuse In Care Facilities Increasing Reported incidents of sexual abuse, assault and rape in care facilities have increased significantly over the past few years according to statistics maintained by […]

San Diego and California Whistleblower and Elder Abuse Attorney: State Justice Department Expands Program Against Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Protecting The State’s Most Vulnerable Med-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse Unit Strengthened California DOJ:  Operation SAFE (Stop Abuse and Fraud of Elders) Evans Law Firm, Inc. is a plaintiff’s litigation law firm.  We represent individuals here in California who have suffered injury, especially older Californians who have been […]

Contra Costa County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Pursuing Caregivers Who Steal From The Elderly

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Elder Abuse Is A Crime Regardless Of The Amount Stolen Older Persons Subjected To Abuse Have Much Higher Mortality Rates Financial Abuse Brings Emotional and Physical Toll Too When a celebrity is subject to financial elder abuse, news outlets rush to cover the story, whether the victim […]

Mendocino County Elder Abuse Attorney: Cases of Physical and Financial Elder Abuse Increase

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Older Persons Suffer Abuse in Mendocino County Growing Incidences of Financial Elder Abuse in Rural Areas Evans Law Firm Represents Victims Seniors in rural areas throughout California and here in Mendocino County are as at risk of financial elder abuse and other forms of elder abuse as are […]

Napa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Exploitation Of Seniors At Record Levels

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Increased Isolation And Financial Abuse Caregivers Can Be Predators  Napa Caregiver Registration Authorities from around the country are reporting record spikes in financial elder abuse cases during the pandemic. Financial elder abuse is also on the rise here in Napa.  Periods of high unemployment and economic downturn such […]

Feb 19, 2021 - Elder Abuse by |

Contra Costa County and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Manslaughter Charge Upheld In Death Of Assisted Care Facility Resident

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Owner Convicted Of Involuntary Manslaughter Dementia Patient Killed After Wandering Away Facility Was Not Licensed For Dementia Patients For-profit nursing homes and care facilities often put profits ahead of the level of care they can adequately provide residents.  Examples of cost-cutting measures that endanger residents include reducing staff […]

Orange County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Wanted For Alleged Financial Elder Abuse of Couple In Their 90s

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Stole Nearly $100,000 Charges Include Financial Elder Abuse, Embezzlement and Forgery Couple’s Family Discovered Financial Irregularities Forced isolation of seniors as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, together with the nation’s severe economic downturn have led to a huge spike in financial elder abuse cases throughout […]

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