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Category: Consumer fraud

Sep 5, 2015 - Assisted Living by |

California Nursing Homes Try to Stack the Deck

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER What does it say about the California nursing home industry that they’re rewarding employees with raffle tickets for an iPod if they flood California Medicare & Medicaid Services with comments? Nothing good, certainly. This petty tactic is being deployed by lobbyists for the nursing home industry to try […]

Aug 4, 2015 - Annuities by |

Consumers Should Carefully Review Annuity Purchases from Transamerica Life Insurance Company

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER It is recommended that consumers carefully review any policy and consider their options before purchasing any annuity policy. Annuities are complex products that often have hidden fees and costs, and may not be suitable for all investors, particularly senior citizens. Annuities often have surrender charges, making it difficult […]

Jul 1, 2015 - Annuities Fraud by |

What Affinity Fraud Means, and How to Avoid It

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Affinity fraud is a type of investment scam that targets members of certain groups, such as religious or ethnic communities, or the elderly. It usually involves a fake investment, or an investment where the scammer has left out important details. According to San Francisco consumer fraud attorneys, affinity […]

Jun 23, 2015 - Annuities by |

Understanding Indexed Universal Life Illustrations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Indexed universal life (IUL) insurance illustrations often appear compelling, and can outperform traditional universal life (UL) illustrations. However, these illustrations can be misleading and set unrealistic expectations for consumers. It is important that consumers who are considering these policies understand these illustrations in order to make a suitable […]

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