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Category: conservatorship

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver/Conservator Sentenced For Stealing More Than $600,000 From Elderly Victim

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER One Year In Prison And $661,549 In Restitution Elderly, Blind Victim Now Deceased Caregiver Acted As Conservator Of Victim Betrayal of an elder’s trust by a dishonest caregiver is one of the most recurring forms of financial abuse of the elderly. The abuse may occur almost immediately when […]

Napa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Family of Actress Claims She’s A Victim Of Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER  “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” Actress Suffers From Dementia Allegations Of Using Romance To Take Advantage Victim Has Been Taken Advantage Of Before Seniors and persons of all ranks of life may be victims of financial elder abuse.  Abuse strikes across all genders and socioeconomic groups.  When celebrities are […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Court-Appointed Conservator Accused Of Theft From Incapacitated Persons

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Charges Of Theft Of Over $400,000 Victim’s Daughter Blew Whistle Leading To Audit Holding Fiduciaries Accountable Conservators and other Court-appointed protectors for elder and dependent adults are chosen and appointed to protect persons who are unable to provide for their own needs.  Court appointments supersede earlier Powers of […]

California and San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Holding Attorneys Responsible For Changing Estate Plans Of Incompetent Clients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Changing Estate Plans When Senior Lacks Capacity Holding Attorneys Accountable Individuals create trusts to hold their assets to avoid a lengthy probate process following death and make sure their estate passes to their spouse or children or grandchildren or other beneficiaries of their own choosing.  Typically, these trust […]

Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: How Conservators And Other Fiduciaries Financially Exploit Elder And Dependent Adults

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Control Of Court-Appointed Fiduciaries Over Seniors And Dependent Adults When Court-Appointed Fiduciaries Abuse That Position Recourse For Families Conservatorships and other Court-ordered protections for elder and dependent adults are meant to protect those persons because they are unable to provide for their own needs.  With court authorization, these […]

Los Angeles and Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse By Conservators And Other Fiduciaries

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Court-Appointed Fiduciaries Wield Great Power What Can Go Wrong And Potential For Abuse Of Power  Court-appointed conservators and other fiduciaries (such as guardians or trustees) wield enormous power over the dependent individuals and properties they are appointed to manage and protect.  Court appointments supersede earlier Powers of Attorney, […]

San Francisco and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: The Scourge of Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER When You Spot Elder Abuse, Do Something About It Financial Elder Abuse Can Strike Any Senior Conservators Can Commit Financial Elder Abuse Seniors in San Francisco and throughout California are vulnerable to financial elder abuse, even at the hands of conservators appointed to manage their finances. Court-appointed conservators […]

Jun 25, 2019 - conservatorship by |

California and San Francisco Estate and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: What Can Go Wrong With Conservatorships

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Court-Appointed Fiduciaries Wield Great Power What Can Go Wrong And Potential For Abuse Of Power Court-appointed conservators and other fiduciaries (such as guardians or trustees) wield enormous power over the dependent individuals and properties they are appointed to manage and protect. Court appointments supersede earlier Powers of Attorney, […]

Mar 6, 2019 - conservatorship by |

California and Marin County Estate and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Conservatorships and Professional Fiduciaries

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Court-Appointed Fiduciaries Wield Great Power Potential for Abuse of Power Court-appointed conservators and other fiduciaries (such as guardians or trustees) wield enormous power over the dependent individuals and properties they are appointed to manage and protect. Court appointments supersede earlier Powers of Attorney, trustee nominations and the like […]

Nov 23, 2018 - conservatorship by |

California and Marin County Probate and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Conservatorships and Professional Fiduciaries

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Court-Appointed Fiduciaries Wield Great Power Potential for Abuse of Power Court-appointed conservators and other fiduciaries (such as guardians or trustees) wield enormous power over the dependent individuals and properties they are appointed to manage and protect. Court appointments supersede earlier Powers of Attorney, trustee nominations and the like […]

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