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Category: Caregiver

California and Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Theft And Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregivers And Financial Elder Abuse Isolated Seniors At Greatest Risk Seniors Captive In Their Own Home Caregiver fraud on the elderly is a very real, and growing, danger. The Alameda County and California elder abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm, Inc. represent seniors victimized by abusive caregivers and […]

California and Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers Theft From Isolated Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Jewelry, Cash, Checks, and Personal Information Increased Isolation During Pandemic Puts Seniors At Greater Risk Preventing Caregiver Theft Social isolation of seniors during the pandemic, intended to protect them from coronavirus, has at the same time increased their vulnerability to financial elder abuse. Greedy caregivers use the heightened […]

Marin County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Terminally Ill Seniors Can Also Be Financial Elder Abuse Targets

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Predators Exploit The Dying Spotting Financial Elder Abuse Over the years, our litigators have seen cases where caregivers and others financially exploit seniors suffering from terminal illness, stealing from the dying older person right up until death. These predators take cash, write checks, forge signatures, impersonate the dying […]

California and Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Warning Signs Of Caregiver Theft

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Practical Ideas For Monitoring Your Loved One’s Care Preventing Caregiver Theft  Caregiver theft is a real danger for isolated seniors with in-home caregivers, particularly during this time of pandemic when friends and loved ones cannot visit as often as they’d like (or should). The Alameda County financial elder […]

California and Marin County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: When Caregivers Steal From The Elderly

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Jewelry, Cash, Checks, and Personal Information Jewelry and Family Keepsakes Preventing Caregiver Theft We often write about caregivers taking cash, credits cards and checks from seniors and even getting their hands on seniors’ homes and financial accounts through fraud and undue influence. But jewelry and family keepsakes can […]

California and Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers and Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Cash, Checks, and Personal Information Caregivers Steal Property and Identity Preventing Caregiver Theft In-home caregivers have access to a senior’s cash, bank accounts, other valuables and perhaps worst of all confidential information that provides access to accounts or impersonation of a senior in financial matters. In one recently […]

Jul 1, 2020 - Caregiver by |

California and Marin County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers and Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Cash, Checks, and Caregivers The Danger of Checking Accounts in Easy Reach Preventing Caregiver Theft In-home caregivers have access to a senior’s cash, bank accounts, important papers and other valuables if you don’t take precautions to prevent such access. Greedy caregivers strike quickly and one of their schemes […]

Alameda County and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Elder Physical Abuse Of Nursing Home Residents

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Battery, Sexual Assault, Rape, And Other Intentional Abuse Dementia Patients Especially at Risk Sadly, dementia patients in nursing homes and assisted care facilities are at risk of intentional physical abuse by aides and staff in the very facilities where families expect their afflicted loved ones to be safe […]

Alameda County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Greedy Caregivers Can Take Everything From The Elderly

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Isolated Seniors Are Prey To Greedy Caregivers The Effects Can Be Devastating Greedy caregivers who steal from their elderly patients will really stop at nothing once they get started. Often, the theft begins slowly with relatively small amounts of cash or unauthorized purchases. Almost inevitably, the theft escalates. […]

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