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Category: Caregiver

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Theft From Senior

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Unauthorized Debit Card Use Alleged Two Years Of Alleged Fraud $30,000 Charged On 76-Year-Old’s Accounts Unauthorized use of credit and debit cards is a prevalent form of financial elder abuse of the elderly.  Dishonest caregivers and others who access a senior’s cards and PIN (or create a PIN […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Alleged Financial Elder Abuse Of 95-Year-Old

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Victim Noticed Suspicious Charges On Account Unauthorized Purchases Allegedly Include Caregiver Vacations Caregiver Charged With 30 Separate Felonies One of the most recurring forms of financial elder abuse is theft from seniors by dishonest caregivers working in a senior’s own home.  Betrayal of an elder’s trust by a […]

Contra Costa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Theft From Elderly Victim

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Fraudulent Debit Card Use Alleged Complaint Alleged Fraud for Over 18 Months 76-Year-Old Victim Of In-Home Caregiver’s Fraud One of the most common types of fraud against the elderly is stealing credit card information or actually using the physical card without permission.  Dishonest caregivers and others who physically access […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 94-Year-Old Victim Caregiver Falsified Checks Over $35,000 Missing In Just Seven Months Most financial elder abuse by a dishonest caregiver or other person with access to a senior’s finances starts out relatively small, the amounts stolen grow over time as the predator gets away with his or her […]

Riverside County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Theft And Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Criminal Complaint Alleges Altered And Forged Checks Checks For Necessities Bounced For Insufficient Funds Unauthorized Use Of Debit Card Alleged We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to keep checks, ATM/Debit cards, and cash away from caregivers or other strangers who enter a senior’s home.  Nor […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Theft From Elderly Woman

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Forged Checks On Victim’s Account Suspect Placed Through Agency Non-Medical Services Provider Forged checks off a senior’s account are a common type of fraud perpetrated on seniors by dishonest caregivers or other strangers with access to an elderly person’s checkbook.  Often, financial elder abuse by forged checks […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER  Victim Is 81-Year-Old Veteran Caregiver Entrusted To Pay His Bills Caregiver Allegedly Stole Thousands The consequences of financial elder abuse on senior victims can be devastating.  Some elderly victims are driven to the brink of homelessness due to lack of funds to pay their rent.  There are instances […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Theft From Elderly Patient

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Daughter Alerts Police To Suspicious Activity Caregiver Allegedly Changed Bank Account Address Unauthorized Withdrawals And Missing Statements Unauthorized debit and credit card charges are common forms of financial elder abuse.  Dishonest caregivers with access to checks and debit and credit cards are often the perpetrators of these forms […]

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiving Couple Arrested For Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Couple Accused Of Threatening Victim Victim Left Without Funds For Rent Suspicious Transactions Reported By Victim’s Granddaughter Reports of caregiver fraud and abuse appear almost every day in the news. Financial elder abuse of seniors by dishonest and greedy caregivers is one of the most pervasive forms of […]

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