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Category: Caregiver Fraud

Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver To Elderly Man Sentenced For Larceny As Hate Crime

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 96-Year-Old Victim Caregiver Allegedly Stole Over $53,000 Victim’s Family Discovers Theft After Victim’s Death Statistics show that the risk of financial elder abuse increases as we age; that is, a 90-year-old person is at greatest risk, say, than a 70-year-old.  Of course, the statistics are not surprising as […]

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Signs Of Financial Exploitation And Cognitive Decline

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Elder Abuse Of Seniors Signs Of Financial Exploitation Social, Physical And Behavioral Clues As we age, we may grow dependent on the help of others.  The process may be gradual or sudden (as after a stroke or accident).  Either way, increased dependence on others opens up the […]

Contra Costa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested And Accused Of Overpaying Herself $15,000 With Senior’s Checks

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 73-Year-Old Disabled Victim Caregiver Allegedly Repeatedly Overpaid Herself Confused Victim Paid Caregiver Multiple Times For Same Hours Dishonest caregivers will take advantage of any impairment they perceive in the patients they’re paid to care for.  One primary impairment as patients age is their memory; while seniors may continue […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Stealing From 95-Year-Old Victim

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 95-Year-Old Victim Spots Suspicious Charges Unauthorized Purchases Include Trips Charged With 30 Felonies Of Unauthorized Credit Card Use Seniors are at risk of financial elder abuse from many different directions but sadly one of the most recurring is abuse by dishonest caregivers working in a senior’s own home.  […]

Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Stealing From Senior Living Community Residents

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Accused Of Stealing Jewelry And Cash Authorities Recover Some Pawned Items Suspect Allegedly Stole From Room To Room Residents of senior living communities, assisted care facilities, group homes and skilled nursing facilities are vulnerable to financial elder abuse just like those seniors who live in their homes under […]

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver/Conservator Sentenced For Stealing More Than $600,000 From Elderly Victim

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER One Year In Prison And $661,549 In Restitution Elderly, Blind Victim Now Deceased Caregiver Acted As Conservator Of Victim Betrayal of an elder’s trust by a dishonest caregiver is one of the most recurring forms of financial abuse of the elderly. The abuse may occur almost immediately when […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Exploitation of Seniors By Joint Accounts

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Exploitation By Getting “Added” To Accounts False Representations Of Good Intentions Keep An Eye On Senior’s Account Titles Methods for financially exploiting seniors vary from straight theft of cash or checks, forgeries, and identity theft to more elaborate (or harder to detect) schemes like manipulation of estate planning […]

Napa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Family of Actress Claims She’s A Victim Of Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER  “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” Actress Suffers From Dementia Allegations Of Using Romance To Take Advantage Victim Has Been Taken Advantage Of Before Seniors and persons of all ranks of life may be victims of financial elder abuse.  Abuse strikes across all genders and socioeconomic groups.  When celebrities are […]

San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: Parts Manufacturer Settles False Claims Act Allegations Of Failure To Test Product And Falsifying Results

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Employee Initiates False Claims Act Action Manufacturer Allegedly Failed To Test And Falsifying Results Employee To Receive Reward  Government contracts often include strict rules regarding product specifications which contractors are obligated to meet in order to qualify for payment.   Knowing failure to fulfill contractual obligations or falsely representing […]

Contra Costa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Fraud Against Elderly Client

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Another Caregiver For Victim Alerts Police Forced Withdrawal At ATM And Forged Checks Financial Elder Abuse, Larceny And Forgery Charges Financial exploitation of seniors can be subtle like online transfers of money in their account or online purchases with their credit card.  But financial exploitation can also be […]

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