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Category: California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: SEC Claims Financial Advisor Stole Nearly $1Million From Three Elderly Clients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Advisor Allegedly Withdrew Funds From Client’s Trust Authorities Discover 20 Fraudulent Letters Of Withdrawal Money Spent On Vacations And Luxury Cars Seniors may be financially exploited from pretty much any direction. Even trusted financial advisors of years may exploit elderly clients. Taking someone else’s money without their knowledge […]

Nov 9, 2021 - Annuities by |

California and Alameda County Annuity Fraud and Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Seniors And Annuity Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Annuity Fraud Targeted At Seniors Dangers Of Tying Up Your Money Remedies For Financial Elder Abuse Annuity fraud takes place when seniors are persuaded to purchase annuity products they do not want or need. Insurance agents push these products on unwitting seniors to earn commissions. Insurance carriers issue […]

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Deferred Annuities: Unsuitable Investments For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Seniors Targeted For Annuities Surrender Penalties And Annual Fees Return Calculations Favor Carriers Not Policyholders Beware of insurance agents who continually pressure you to buy an annuity, or exchange a contract you already own.  Sometimes the sales pitch is made at free lunch seminars or receptions.  Take a pass […]

Contra Costa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Powers Of Attorney And Financial Abuse Of The Elderly

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Using A Power Of Attorney To Steal Abusers Revoke Prior Powers Recourse For Victims And Their Families Powers of Attorney (POAs) can cover financial matters and also health and personal care matters and medical needs.  The California Probate Code provides standard forms for both types of POAs.  See […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Exploitation Of Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregivers, Strangers And New “Friends” Exploiting Seniors Taking Advantage Of Cognitive Impairment Protecting Seniors From Financial Exploitation Unscrupulous caregivers, new “friends,” and complete strangers may all exploit seniors financially.  The means vary from straight theft of cash or checks, forgeries, and identity theft to more elaborate (or harder […]

Napa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Disadvantages Of Deferred Annuities For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Agents Target Seniors With Unsuitable Deferred Annuities Withdrawal Penalties And Taxes On Surrenders Avoid Expensive Exchanges Or Switches Of Policies Agents push deferred annuities for senior consumers because sales generate substantial commissions.  Evans Law Firm, Inc. recommends seniors avoid deferred annuities, based on years of representing older consumers […]

Contra Costa Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Elderly Victim Wins $1.1 Million Award In Trust Contest Case

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Neighbor Allegedly Manipulated Elder’s Trust To Become Beneficiary Court Awards Double Damages Deceased Victim’s Niece Brought Trust Contest Californians create trusts to avoid probate expenses and delays at their death and provide for management of their assets if they become incapacitated.  Trusts are a good way to protect […]

San Francisco and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Advisor Sentenced For Stealing $25 Million From Elderly Investors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Five-Year Scheme Targeted Retirees $25 Million In Losses To More Than 300 Victims Financial Advisor Sentenced To 35 Years In Prison Unscrupulous financial advisors, insurance agents and retirement planners (among others) often target seniors with their fraudulent schemes.  Typically, the approach is to offer a senior an investment […]

Marin County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Insurance Agent Arrested For Stealing From Elderly Clients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Agent Accused Of Stealing $1.2 Million 14 Elderly Clients Were Victims Accusations Of Stolen Premiums, Lies, And Falsified Documents Seniors are all potential victims of financial elder abuse and predators include in-home caregivers, insurance agents and other salespeople, bankers, trustees, conservators, financial advisors, brokers, contractors, second spouses, and […]

Oct 22, 2021 - Annuities by |

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Deferred Annuities Unsuitable Investments For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Beware High-Pressure Sales Tactics Beware High Surrender Charges Beware Agents Urging You To Switch Annuities Sales of unsuitable insurance products to seniors by insurance carriers and agents may constitute financial elder abuse under Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § 15610.30 and violations of the California Insurance Code. See, […]

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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