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Category: California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Stealing More Than $14,000 From 80-Year-Old Patient With Dementia

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Victim’s Friend Discovers Suspicious Activity Credit Card Purchases And Cash Withdrawals Suspicious Activity On Victim’s Credit Report Theft from any person is a crime, but when the victim is over 65 any theft is also criminal financial elder abuse and grounds for civil liability against the person who […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Preventing Financial Elder Abuse And Fraud Against Older Loved Ones

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER All Seniors Are At Risk Of Financial Elder Abuse Be Thorough In Hiring In-Home Caregivers Involved All Trusted Family Members In Decisions Older Americans and their families lose more than $3 billion annually as a result of financial elder abuse according to the National Institute On Aging.  The […]

Apr 1, 2022 - Annuities by |

Sonoma County Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Take A Closer Look At Deferred Annuities Before An Agent Sells You One

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Agents Target Seniors With Retirement Planning Seminars The Goal Is To Sell Annuities Resist The Hype And Understand The Disadvantages Events like “retirement planning seminars” or “retirement consultations” typically devolve into annuity sales pitches by the hosting insurance agent.  Whenever an agent approaches you to consider a deferred […]

Napa Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Insurance Agent Sentenced For $3 Million Fraud Against Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Misrepresentations And Omissions Investment Scheme Targeting Retirees Most Invested Funds Pocketed As Fees Insurance agents may exploit older consumers by selling them expensive and unsuitable insurance products, or even offer unregistered “investments” that are far beyond the insurance policies the agents are licensed to sell.  These investment “opportunities” […]

California Annuities Attorneys: Lincoln National OptiBlend® 10 Fixed Indexed Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Lincoln National OptiBlend® 10 Fixed Indexed Annuities The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, part of the Lincoln Financial Group, issues fixed indexed annuities in California under the trade name Lincoln National OptiBlend® 10 Fixed Indexed Annuities.  These contracts, like all deferred annuities, include complex rules regarding returns and […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Accountant Pleads Guilty To Stealing $800,000 From Elderly Client With Dementia

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Siphoned $800,000 From Elderly Widow’s Account Accused Of Stealing Annuity Payments Allegedly Forged More Than 200 Checks Individuals who steal from and financially exploit seniors include in-home caregivers or persons directly involved with a senior’s finances such as by power of attorney, or as trustee, guardian, conservator, […]

Marin County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Fraudulent Use Of Dementia Patient’s Credit Card

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Stole Credit Card And Cash Multiple Unauthorized Purchases Victim Discovers Fraud Theft from any person is a crime, when the victim is over 65 any theft is also criminal financial elder abuse and grounds for civil liability against the person who took the property. Often, the perpetrator […]

Mar 26, 2022 - Annuities Fraud by |

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Deferred Annuities Are Unsuitable For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Seniors Targeted For Annuity Purchases Understand The Primary Disadvantages Always Get A Second Opinion Evans Law Firm, Inc. recommends seniors avoid deferred annuities because deferred annuity contracts are expensive and complicated and tie up a senior’s money for years.  Often, insurance agents out to make sales claims to […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Former Caregiver Sentenced For Years Of Forged Checks 92-Year-Old Victim Lived In Care Facility Forged Checks Totaled Over $93,000 Elder and dependent adult financial abuse cases involve vulnerable individuals who are often victimized by the very people they trust to assist them with daily living. The vulnerability of […]

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