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Category: California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

Napa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Family of Actress Claims She’s A Victim Of Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER  “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” Actress Suffers From Dementia Allegations Of Using Romance To Take Advantage Victim Has Been Taken Advantage Of Before Seniors and persons of all ranks of life may be victims of financial elder abuse.  Abuse strikes across all genders and socioeconomic groups.  When celebrities are […]

San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: Parts Manufacturer Settles False Claims Act Allegations Of Failure To Test Product And Falsifying Results

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Employee Initiates False Claims Act Action Manufacturer Allegedly Failed To Test And Falsifying Results Employee To Receive Reward  Government contracts often include strict rules regarding product specifications which contractors are obligated to meet in order to qualify for payment.   Knowing failure to fulfill contractual obligations or falsely representing […]

Contra Costa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Fraud Against Elderly Client

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Another Caregiver For Victim Alerts Police Forced Withdrawal At ATM And Forged Checks Financial Elder Abuse, Larceny And Forgery Charges Financial exploitation of seniors can be subtle like online transfers of money in their account or online purchases with their credit card.  But financial exploitation can also be […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: SEC Bars Broker For Stealing From Elderly Client

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Misappropriated $305,000 In Client Funds Client’s Checks Cashed But Never Invested Money Spent For Broker’s Own Benefit Seniors are vulnerable to financial elder abuse by any number of financial predators including those entrusted to invest their money like stock brokers, investments advisers and bankers.  Sometimes the financial […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Power Of Attorney Abuse and Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Authority Under Powers Of Attorney How Agents Abuse That Authority Remedies For Power Of Attorney Abuse Financial powers of attorney (POAs) grant full authority over a person’s financial affairs, and medical powers of attorney, known in California as an Advance Health Care Directives (AHCDs), grant authority over medical […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Sentenced For Stealing Thousands From 88-Year-Old Assisted Living Facility Resident

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Used Victim’s Money For Personal Expenses Two-Year Investigation Conducted By Authorities 18 Month Prison Term, 10-Years Probation And Restitution Residents of skilled nursing facilities and assisted care facilities are vulnerable to financial elder abuse just like those seniors who live in their homes under the care of […]

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: Neglect and Elder Abuse In Group Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Eighteen Counts Of Neglect And Elder Abuse Against Home Operator Owner Allegedly Recruited Residents Operator Allegedly Collected Government Funds Evans Law Firm, Inc. represents victims of dependent adult abuse in hospitals, nursing homes or other care facilities throughout the State of California, including small care or group homes […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Red Flags Of Caregiver Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Fraud Risk When Strangers In Senior’s Home Red Flags Of Financial Abuse Remedies Against Dishonest Caregivers We present some red flags of financial elder abuse by dishonest caregivers below because experience has taught us that whenever a dishonest stranger or caregiver enters an elderly person’s home there is […]

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