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Category: California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

Nov 15, 2022 - Annuities by |

San Francisco Bay Area Annuity And Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Why Deferred Annuities Are A Poor Choice For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Complex And Expensive Insurance Policies Deceptive Sales Practices High Commissions, Fees And Policy Expenses A deferred annuity is an insurance contract between you and an insurance company. You buy the annuity by making one or more premium payments to the insurance company. The insurance company promises to make […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: SEC Charges Financial Advisor With Fraud Against 97-Year-Old Client

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER SEC Claims Eight Years Of Fraudulent Transactions Broker Allegedly Stole $1,295,000 97-Year-Old Client Suffered From Dementia Statistics show that the older a senior citizen is the more vulnerable he or she becomes to financial elder abuse.  Particularly at risk are those seniors who suffer from any form of […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Three Caregivers Arrested For Neglect And Financial Elder Abuse Of Deceased Senior

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Charged With Chronic Neglect Leading To Death Thousands Reportedly Stolen From Deceased’s Bank Account Elderly Victim Incapable Of Self-Care Neglect and financial elder abuse of isolated, dependent seniors by dishonest in-home caregivers often go hand in hand inflicting horrible injury on the victim in some cases leading to […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Bookkeeper Pleads Guilty To Stealing From Elderly Woman And Her Business

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Government Alleges Over $1 Million Stolen Elderly Victim With Ailing Health Bookkeeper Accused Of Stealing From Victim And Her Business Anyone with access to an elderly person’s money may be a potential financial predator on the elderly man or woman.  Often the predator is a newcomer into the […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Police Accuse Caregiver Of Stealing Over $23,000 From Dying Patient

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Family Finds Thousands Missing After Loved One Dies Elderly Woman Kept Thousands In Cash In Her Home Police Allegedly Discover Large Deposits In Caregiver’s Account While a dishonest caregiver may steal checks or credit cards from an elderly person, cash is likely the first target for any dishonest […]

Contra Costa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Theft Of Bank And Credit Cards From Dependent Adult

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Former Caregiver Allegedly Stole Bank Cards And Credit Cards 71-Year-Old Victim Suffered From Cerebral Palsy Thousands In Unauthorized Purchases At Multiple Stores Cash, checks, credit cards, ATM cards, jewelry and other valuables within reach of a dishonest stranger or caregiver in a senior’s home can disappear quickly.  In […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Arrested Money Manager Admits To Stealing Entire Life Savings Of Elderly Couple

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Defendant Acted As Accountant, Tax Preparer And Investment Advisor Accused Of False Promises Of Investment Opportunities One Elderly Couple Loses Entire Life Savings While often the financial predators of seniors are newcomers in their lives or even total strangers, seniors may also be victims of financial elder abuse […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Attorney-in-Fact Sentenced For Using Power Of Attorney To Steal From Elderly Principal

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Stole Money Over Six-Year Period Over $860,000 Gone Falsified Documents And Beneficiary Designations Older persons often execute powers of attorney (POAs) to appoint designated persons to transact financial affairs on their behalf with full legal authority to do so.  The person appointed under the POA is called […]

Nov 6, 2022 - Annuities by |

Sonoma County Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Why Deferred Annuities Are Unsuitable Investments For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Understanding How Deferred Annuities Work Surrender Penalties A Big Downside For Seniors Commissions, Fees, Participation Rates And Caps Deferred annuities are insurance contracts where the policyholder pays a premium to an insurance carrier now for income payments in the future.  Evans Law Firm, Inc. generally recommends against deferred […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Sentencing For Theft By Use Of Power of Attorney

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Alleged Misuse Of Power Of Attorney Of Elderly And Disabled Persons Authorities Believe $3.5 Million Stolen 96-Year-Old Victim Nearly Evicted From Nursing Home For Non-Payment Financial powers of attorney (POAs) grant full authority over a person’s financial affairs, and medical powers of attorney, known in California as an […]

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