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Category: California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

Los Angeles and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse And Fraud By Insurance Agents

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Examples Of Insurance Agent Fraud And Financial Elder Abuse Many Seniors Among Victims Protecting Older Loved Ones Insurance agents and brokers serve as trusted advisors to their clients, ensuring that policyholders are adequately protected in the event of a loss.  However, on some occasions, unscrupulous agents abuse their […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Facility Caregiver Arrested For Allegedly Defrauding Two Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Unauthorized Debit Card Use Alleged Victims’ Families Discover Irregularities Purchases And Withdrawals Reportedly Linked To Suspect  Seniors living in facilities are at risk of financial elder abuse from dishonest staff members in the same way that seniors still living at home may be financially exploited by dishonest in-home […]

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: When Caregivers Endanger Seniors Physically And Steal From Them

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Physical And Financial Elder Abuse Of Elder In Wheelchair Caregiver Arrested On Multiple Counts  Theft And Reckless Endangerment Charges Sadly, there are dishonest persons hired as in-home caregivers for the elderly who spend their time stealing from their patients instead of caring for them.  Incidents of caregiver abuse […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Theft Of $300,000 From Elderly Couple By Caregiver

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Pleads Guilty To Theft From Elderly Couple Charged With Forgeries And Other Crimes Authorities Discover Numerous Unauthorized Online Transfers Seniors are vulnerable to financial elder abuse whenever a dishonest caregiver or other stranger enters their home for any period of time. When it occurs, this kind of […]

Jan 17, 2023 - Annuities by |

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Deferred Annuities Have Disadvantages For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Contracts Carry High Expenses And Fees Surrender Charges Make It Costly To Exit Risk Of Insurer Default Evans Law Firm, Inc. generally recommends against certain types of deferred annuities for older consumers because these complex, expensive insurance policies may tie up a senior’s money for years and impose […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Power of Attorney Used To Steal From Senior With Dementia

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Couple Uses Power Of Attorney To Steal Authorities Alleged $117,000 In Suspicious Transactions Unauthorized Purchases And Cash Withdrawals Financial powers of attorney (POAs) grant full authority over a person’s financial affairs. Medical powers of attorney, known in California as an Advance Health Care Directives (AHCDs), grant authority over […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Protecting Older Loved Ones From Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER All Seniors At Risk Of Financial Elder Abuse Protecting Seniors From Dishonest In-Home Caregivers Have A Plan And Stay Involved In Older Loved Ones’ Lives Older Americans and their families lose more than $3 billion annually as a result of financial elder abuse according to the National Institute […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Examples Of Financial Elder Abuse By Abuse Of Powers Of Attorney

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Powers Of Attorney Grant Broad Authority Examples Of How That Authority Is Misused Legal Remedies For POA Misuse Financial powers of attorney (POAs) grant full authority over a person’s financial affairs, and medical powers of attorney, known in California as an Advance Health Care Directives (AHCDs), grant authority […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: $12 Million Ponzi Scheme Against Older Investors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Accountant And Financial Advisor To Elderly Alleged Misrepresentations Regarding “Safe Investments” Many Victims Lost Retirement Savings Any American can be a victim of investment fraud but older investors are particularly vulnerable to fraud.  Financial predators may target older investors with high-yield ventures, seizing on senior anxiety about the […]

Jan 10, 2023 - Annuities by |

San Diego Annuities Attorneys: Retiring Federal Employees

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER “Retirement Counseling” Sessions Be Wary Of Annuity Sales Soon-to-retire federal employees in San Diego and throughout California should use caution if they receive a flyer or see a poster for a “counseling session”, “workshop” or seminar. Before you take up any of these invitations, you should understand what […]

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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