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Category: California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

California and San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Include Older Loved Ones And Neighbors In Your Fourth of July Celebrations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Holidays Are Hard On Isolated Seniors Include Older Loved Ones And Neighbors In Your Celebrations Maintain An Active Role In Senior Lives Year-Round Happy Fourth of July 2023!  We at Evans Law Firm, Inc. hope you have a great Fourth and encourage you to include older loved ones, […]

Riverside County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers Arrested For Financial Abuse Of Elderly Care Facility Residents

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Victims Were Assisted Care Facility Residents Family Discovers Suspicious Charges Unauthorized Charges On Two Patients’ Credit Cards Whenever a dishonest caregiver or other stranger enters a senior’s home or a senior’s room in an assisted care facility or nursing home, credit and debit cards and ATM cards, checks […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Home Health Aide Arrested On Charges Of Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 90-Year-Old Victim  Aide Accused Of Unauthorized Card Purchases Victim’s Family Alerted Authorities Of Suspicious Activity Dishonest caregivers with access to credit cards and debit cards of their elderly patients may quickly use the cards for unauthorized purchases and withdrawals.  Greedy caregivers may use those cards in stores, at […]

San Diego Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With 30 Felonies In Financial Abuse Of Senior

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Victim Noticed Suspicious Charges Unauthorized Purchases Include Vacations Caregiver Charged With 30 Felonies Seniors are at risk of financial elder abuse from many different directions but sadly one of the most recurring is abuse by dishonest caregivers working in a senior’s own home.  Betrayal of an elder’s trust […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Unauthorized Purchases On Senior’s Credit Cards

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Unlicensed Caregiver Purported To Be “Friend” Of Seniors Used Senior’s Credit Cards To Run Errands Guardian Reported Suspicious Charges To Police Isolated seniors are the most vulnerable to financial abuse because they have no one to watch over their accounts and help them keep track of their money.  […]

Jun 29, 2023 - Annuities by |

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Why Deferred Annuities Are Not Good Choices For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Pitfalls For Seniors In Deferred Annuities Costly Exits: Surrender/Withdrawal Penalties Contract Fees, Participation Rates And Caps Evans Law Firm, Inc. generally recommends against deferred annuities for older consumers because they are expensive and complicated and because these contracts tie up a senior’s money for years. Whenever an insurance […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Arrest Of Caregiver Accused Of Stealing From Elderly Victim And Abandoning Her

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Online Bank Transfers Of $900,000 Victim Allegedly Abandoned For Hours Found Wandering In Road No one should ever let a stranger in their home.  Particularly if you are an older person living alone.  If you need in-home help, thoroughly vet the individual before he or she ever enters […]

Marin County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Largescale Theft From 94-Year-Old Client

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegations Of Forged Or Altered Checks Prior Criminal History Of Unlicensed Caregiver Caught Trying To Cash Large Check Day After Senior Dies Older victims lose more than $3 billion annually as a result of financial elder abuse, according to FBI and National Institute of Justice statistics. As many […]

Sonoma County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Use Of Financial Power Of Attorney To Steal From Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Case Example Of Alleged Theft By POA Unauthorized Withdrawals Totaling $120,000 Prison Sentence And Restitution To Victim’s Heirs Individuals with financial powers of attorney (POAs) for someone else have full legal authority over that person’s financial affairs, unless the instrument limits their power in some way.  The scope […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Unauthorized Purchases On Senior’s Credit Cards

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Reportedly Victim’s “Friend” Who “Assisted” Her Daily Running Errands With Senior’s Credit Cards  Suspicious Charges Reported To Police By Victim’s Guardian Isolated seniors are the most vulnerable to financial abuse because they have no one to watch over their accounts and help them keep track of their […]

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