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Category: California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

Atherton Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Theft Of $25,000 In Jewelry And Silver

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Stole From Wheelchair Bound Senior Jewelry And Sterling Silver Recovered From Pawn Shop Suspect Facing Multiple Charges Jewelry, cash, checks, credits, and valuables like silver all can disappear from a senior’s home when a dishonest caregiver or stranger enters the home for any period of time.  Always […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Theft

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Accessed Elderly Victim’s PIN Funds Missing From Victim’s Bank Account Fraudulent ATM Withdrawals, Transfers And Purchases Alleged A recently reported case, discussed below, illustrates what can happen when a dishonest caregiver discovers an older person’s debit/ATM card PIN.  We often write about unauthorized debit and credit card […]

Ross Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Protecting Older Loved Ones From Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Elder Abuse Increasing Spotting Signs Of Financial Elder Abuse Remedies For Injured Seniors One California city is launching a special law enforcement task force to combat financial elder abuse within the community.  According to the city’s announcement, over 5 million Americans each year are victimized as a […]

Belvedere Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Unauthorized Withdrawals From Victim’s Accounts Caregiver Accused Of Abandoning Victim Protections And Remedies For Senior Victims A dishonest stranger posing as a caregiver can rapidly take advantage of an isolated senior once he or she enters a senior’s home and life.  No one should ever let a stranger […]

Stinson Beach Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Investment Advisor Sentenced For Defrauding Elderly Investors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Investment Advisor Targeted Older Customers Several Lost Life Savings How To Avoid This Kind Of Fraud Dishonest financial advisors, life insurance agents, stock promoters and retirement planners prey on older investors, exploiting their fear of running out of money as they grow older.  False promises of high returns […]

La Jolla Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Power Of Attorney Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Theft From Seniors By Powers Of Attorney Annuity Benefits Allegedly Taken By POA Remedies For Victim’s Heirs Powers of attorney are incredibly powerful legal instruments. The scope of the appointed attorney-in-fact’s powers is set by law and, unless specifically limited, extends to almost every form of financial transaction. […]

Atherton Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse By Caregiver Alleged

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Accused Of Fraud And Theft Suspect Has Prior Criminal History Family Detects Fraud After Loved One’s Death Older persons lose more than $3 billion annually as a result of financial elder abuse, according to FBI and National Institute of Justice statistics. The true figure is likely much, […]

Woodside Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Theft From Elderly Man

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Forced Elderly Man To Withdraw Cash Unauthorized Use Of Debit Card Alleged How To Protect Older Loved Ones Financial elder abuse of seniors ranges from secretive online money transfers to brazen theft or coercion of senior victims. While seniors can be victims of financial elder abuse from […]

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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