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Category: California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Fraud On Elderly

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver And Her Husband Arrested 71-Year-Old Victim With Cerebral Palsy Thousands Of Dollars In Unauthorized Purchases Unauthorized use of an elderly or dependent person’s debit and credit cards is a frequently recurring form of financial elder and dependent adult abuse.  Sometimes the cases involve actual use of the […]

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Case Example Victim’s Family Spots Suspicious Activity Protecting Seniors From Fraud California broadly defines what constitutes financial elder or dependent adult abuse: (a) “Financial abuse” of an elder or dependent adult occurs when a person or entity does any of the following: (1) Takes, secretes, appropriates, obtains, or retains real […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Fraud On The Elderly

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Checkbooks Stolen From The Elderly Check Fraud On The Rise Protecting Older Loved Ones Financial elder abuse takes many forms.  Forged and stolen checks are one recurring way dishonest persons financially abuse older people.  At Evans Law Firm, we have seen many cases where a dishonest caregiver, stepchild, […]

Aug 8, 2024 - Annuities by |

Marin Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Why Older Consumers Should Think Twice About Deferred Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Complex Contracts With Penalties To Exit Sales Commissions And Fees Erode Returns Unfavorable Interest Crediting Formulas Evans Law Firm, Inc. generally recommends against certain types of deferred annuities especially for seniors because these complex insurance policies carry high fees, lack transparency and are illiquid. The contracts are illiquid […]

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Fraud On Older Persons

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Elder Abuse By Dishonest Caregivers Case Example Protecting Seniors Many older Californians and their families elect to remain in their homes when they age and hire in-home caregivers to assist them when they can no longer care for themselves.  Many caregivers are hardworking, compassionate people who truly […]

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Protecting Seniors From Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Some Recommended Rules From Financial Advisors Financial elder abuse is an especially disastrous form of abuse of seniors, and millions of seniors are victims of financial elder abuse every year in this country.  Senior victims of financial elder abuse are frequently targets of abuse from the very people […]

Aug 1, 2024 - Annuities by |

San Francisco Annuity Attorney: Deferred Annuities Are Poor Choices For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Fixed And Indexed Annuities Disadvantages For Seniors Surrender Penalties And Fees Deferred annuities are marketed in a variety of different product names by numerous life insurance carriers. The two primary types are fixed and indexed contracts, with many blends of both the “fixed” and “indexed” characteristics in between.  […]

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