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Category: California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney

Alameda County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers Prey on Dementia Patients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregivers Can Manipulate Vulnerable Seniors Many Victims Never Know What’s Happening To Them Financial elder abuse is a growing crime throughout the Bay Area. Here in Alameda County authorities report a spike in financial elder abuse crimes while other forms of elder abuse have decreased.  The financial elder […]

Marin County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse Mounting

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Older The Victim, The Greater The Average Loss Financial Elder Abuse Can Strike Any Senior Even Conservators Can Commit Financial Elder Abuse Seniors in Marin and throughout California are increasingly victims of financial elder abuse more than any other form of elder abuse.   Caregivers, insurance agents, financial […]

California and San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse and Whistleblower Attorneys: Gold Scams on Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Gold Scams: Financial Elder Abuse And Commodity Futures Trading Commission Whistleblower Cases Unscrupulous gold and rare coin dealers often target seniors in scams because seniors have money to invest, are likely to pick up a phone or respond to an email, and are eager to supplement retirement savings. […]

San Francisco and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: The Scourge of Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER When You Spot Elder Abuse, Do Something About It Financial Elder Abuse Can Strike Any Senior Conservators Can Commit Financial Elder Abuse Seniors in San Francisco and throughout California are vulnerable to financial elder abuse, even at the hands of conservators appointed to manage their finances. Court-appointed conservators […]

San Francisco and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Dangers For Isolated Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER When Financial Predators Strike Taking Advantage Of Isolation And Cognitive Impairment Our litigators see a sadly familiar pattern in financial elder abuse cases: an elderly person’s spouse of many years dies and the survivor is left alone. Enter a stranger or caregiver to “help” the survivor. Cash begins […]

Marin and California Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Powers of Attorney And Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Powers of Attorney and the Elderly Potential for Misuse Financial elder abuse can strike seniors from various directions including from those whom the senior has trusted with a Power of Attorney (POA) over financial matters. A financial POA is an important legal document where a principal authorizes […]

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