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Category: Bay Area

May 3, 2017 - Bay Area by |

San Francisco County Securities and Exchange Commission Fraud and FINRA Arbitration Attorney: Securities Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER FINRA Arbitration Shuts Down Broker Material Misrepresentations Oftentimes, individuals who invest their money also invest their trust. When they hand over their money, they assume that their broker or financial advisor is going to make decisions that will benefit the investor: personally, financially, and beyond. But what happens […]

Apr 25, 2017 - Annuities by |

Santa Clara County Annuity Fraud Attorney: Fidelity and Life Guarantee Surrender Charges

Surrender Charges: The Unlikely and Often Unnoticed Aspect of Annuities Annuities Annuities are being sold in unbelievable numbers these days, as insurance companies and agents convince individuals it makes sense to put their money in some sort of insurance “investment.” Yet, annuities contain many severe disadvantages to the consumer, such […]

Apr 21, 2017 - Bay Area by |

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: Poor Background Checks Put Elders At Risk

California Audit Exposes Poor Background Checks Performed Before Hiring For Positions Related To Elder Care Background Checks The California Department of Social Services’ Community Care Licensing Division is a sub-department that oversees 75,000 facilities throughout the state. Their essential job is to keep elders, children, and disabled members of the […]

Apr 18, 2017 - Bay Area by |

Securities and ERISA Fraud Attorney: Self-Dealing in 401(k) Administration

Self-Dealing Lawsuits Mount Against JP Morgan, Price, and Others Fiduciary Self-Dealing Injures Employee/Plan Participants Now, another participant in the JPMorgan Chase 401(k) Savings Plan has sued plan executives alleging that the plan favored JP Morgan investments over less-expensive investment options. That self-dealing, the complaint alleges, violates fiduciary duties under the […]

Apr 17, 2017 - Bay Area by |

San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: Securities and Exchange Commission Whistleblowing

Broad Interpretation of Whistleblower Laws Should Favor Whistleblowers Whistleblowing Whistleblowing has been attracting media attention lately, and for good reason. Individuals are coming forward with important information regarding large corporations breaking regulations. In some cases, these individual employees are terminated, opening a whole new can of worms. Yet, a new […]

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
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