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May 16, 2014 by |

Caregiver Abuse Of Senior Disabled Woman Alleged


A senior disabled woman has alleged that her caregiver committed abuse. The victim claims that the caregiver she hired made her life miserable. The victim in this case is a 69 year-old woman who had a knee replacement last year and also has fibromyalgia. Since fibromyalgia is a debilitating musculoskeletal condition that is known for being painful, she is often bed ridden and has a limited ability to walk. Thus, she needs a caregiver to help her with daily activities. California
elder abuse attorneys warn seniors to choose their caregivers wisely.

The victim invited a 31 year-old caregiver into her home to take care of her. A friend had recommended the caregiver to her. The caregiver brought her 30 year-old boyfriend to come with her and care for the woman. The couple moved in to the victim’s home to take care of her. The situation went well for about one month and then everything allegedly started to change. The caregiver allegedly became verbally abusive and started threatening the victim. According to the victim, the caretaker threatened to burn her house down and kill her three dogs. The caregiver also allegedly made physical threats against the victim, stole her money, did drugs, and trashed her house in the process. California elder abuse attorneys say that caregiver abuse happens when a caregiver threatens the person they are supposed to be taking care of.

The victim in this case called the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office multiple times. Deputies visited her residence and took reports. However, housing laws in California are complicated and there are many laws on the books to protect tenants. If a person has resided at a place for a certain period of time then they have squatters’ rights. A houseguest who stays for more than 30 days is considered a tenant and can’t be barred from the residence without being given notice. A formal eviction must be done after the 30 day period has expired and that process can take months. In this case, the victim got a protective restraining order that prevents the caregivers from returning to her property until after a hearing. California elder abuse attorneys warn the public to watch out for caregiver fraud.

Unfortunately, caregiver abuse happens often and across all economic spectrums. Many people represent themselves as caregivers only to steal from those they are supposed to be taking care of. The items stolen can range from personal trinkets to large sums of money taken from bank accounts. Anybody in need of personal care services can become a victim of caregiver fraud.

Evans Law Firm, Inc. handles elder abuse, financial elder abuse, physical elder abuse, annuity fraud, consumer fraud class actions, insurance and banking fraud cases. If you think that you have witnessed or are the victim of elder abuse, or financial fraud then contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 for a free and confidential consultation, or email us at

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