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Jul 25, 2017 by |

California Whistleblower Attorney: Whistleblowing


Worldwide Whistleblowing

A former automotive engineer and employee of South Korean auto manufacturer Hyundai believed his former employer was hiding a dangerous product defect in its cars. He supposedly presented documentary evidence to both the South Korean and United States governments to substantiate his allegations. The whistleblower alleged in his complaint that the manufacturer had been intentionally concealing the defects from consumers for years. We handle whistleblower (or “qui tam”) cases every day here at Evans Law Firm (415)441-8669. We accept whistleblower cases in California that involve false claims against the government, securities fraud, tax avoidance schemes, and corporate and investment fraud. If you have credible whistleblower information for any of these types of cases, call us and we can help.

In the recent case, the whistleblower also alleged that the company’s hierarchical corporate structure created an atmosphere of secrecy and a “no questions asked” attitude on the part of subordinates. No one ever questioned the cover-ups, he alleged, or asked questions about the design or commented on its defects. According to the whistleblower, there was a dangerous culture of “unreported instances of injustice.”

The South Korean government, working with American importers, has recalled 240,000 vehicles. Now, to be sure, the corporate culture in America is more open and transparent than South Korea and our laws encourage and protect whistleblowers to a greater extent. And in the US, whistleblowers receive a hefty percentage of any financial recovery obtained against the wrongdoer. In any event, this is a large step for whistleblowers everywhere, especially in the places without a long history of corporate (or governmental) transparency or whistleblower and qui tam suits. We encourage the expansion and within our own country hope to to see more individuals with credible information come forward to fight for consumers’ rights and against fraud. Bear in mind, although whistleblower cases are complicated and take years from complaint to resolution, you stand to receive a sizeable bounty if your case is successful. Because the cases are complicated and the stakes are so high, you need an experienced lawyer to help navigate your case toward a favorable end.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has information for a possible whistleblower or qui tam case in California that involves false claims against the government, securities and/or other investment fraud, tax avoidance schemes, and/or corporate fraud, contact the Evans Law Firm whistleblower attorneys at (415) 441-8669, or by email at Our attorneys have experience with complex financial contracts and large insurance companies. We can help guide your case through any federal or California agency whistleblower process, a jury trial or toward an equitable settlement. We handle cases involving physical and financial elder abuse, qui tam and whistleblower law, nursing home abuse, whole life insurance and universal life insurance, and indexed, variable, and fixed annuities.

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