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Dec 29, 2015 by |

California Whistleblower Attorney, 2015 Qui Tam Cases

Qui tam Cases Recoup $3.5 Billion in 2015

2015 has been a good year for whistleblowers: as we reported elsewhere, whistleblowers get to keep a larger percentage of their reward, and the total amount recouped by the Department of Justice was the 4th largest of all time. Under the False Claims Act, citizens that are aware of fraud against the government can bring a qui tam suit, essentially suing on behalf of the government. At the Evans Law Firm, our California IRS whistleblower lawyers handle many different types of whistleblower cases. For example, when major healthcare providers overcharge Medicaid, or military contractors knowingly sell defective equipment, employees who are aware of the fraud can help the government get back some of the lost funds, and get a cut as a reward for doing so. In addition, they are covered by whistleblower protection laws, preventing their employers from exacting retribution by firing or otherwise discriminating against them on the basis of their suit.

Healthcare Fraud a Common Area of Return

In 2015, more than half of the total, $1.9 Billion, was recouped from healthcare providers. This can be in the form of billing Medicaid for unnecessary surgery, overcharging for medicine, selling faulty pharmaceuticals, paying kickbacks to doctors or hospitals for using certain brands, and numerous other forms of healthcare fraud. In addition, millions were given back to state healthcare systems and to individuals and whistleblowers.

Healthcare fraud is one of the largest areas of return from the False Claims Act. Originally conceived during the Civil War to protect troops from faulty military equipment, a problem that was rampant in the Union, military recoveries have now become the second largest area of fraud. Since the government invest heavily in providing healthcare services for Americans, and the system can be very opaque at times, it can seems easy to add extra charges when delving into the deep pockets of Medicare and Medicaid. However, more than $16 Billion has been recouped from Healthcare Fraud under the False Claims Act since 2009.

How You Can Take Action

If you are aware of any healthcare fraud being perpetrated by a healthcare provider, pharmaceutical company, health insurance provider, or other agency, contact the Evans Law Firm at (415) 441-8669, or by email at to speak with a San Francisco whistleblower lawyer. Our practice areas include Qui tam/whistleblower law, healthcare, insurance, and annuity fraud, physical and financial elder abuse, and nursing home abuse. Whistleblowers have federal protection against retaliation by an employer, and we want to make sure that your rights are respected.

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