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Aug 17, 2017 by |

California Healthcare Fraud Attorney: Healthcare Fraud and False Claims


$13.45 Million Settlement in False Claims Case

The Recent Case

Recently, three cardiac monitoring device providers agreed to settle a whistleblower case (also known as a “qui tam”) against them for alleged false claims to the government for reimbursement under Medicare. The whistleblower was a former sales manager of one of the defendant providers. He brought his case under the federal False Claims Act (FCA) which imposes liability on any party submitting invalid claims to the government for reimbursement. We at the Evans Law Firm are experienced whistleblower/qui tam attorneys who can assist clients with credible information of false claims bring their case under the FCA. If you have credible information of false claims against the government call us today at (415)441-8669 and we can help. California also has a False Claims Act and we can represent you in suits involving false claims submitted to the State of California.

Whistleblowers receive substantial rewards for their information of false claims. In the action against the cardiac monitoring devise suppliers, the whistleblower will receive $2.4 million for his information. His information revealed that defendants allegedly forced doctors to select the most expensive heart monitoring and thus the government was being overcharged in hundreds of cases where a less expensive device would have been appropriate.

The government is beginning to crack down very hard on these cases. It is reported that in 2016, the United States recovered $3.3 billion in healthcare fraud cases alone. In fact, healthcare fraud is the single largest source of fraud against the government today. The government relies on citizen help through its whistleblower incentives in order to detect, investigate and prosecute false claims. You should know that these cases take a long time and are very complicated. We at Evans Law Firm know what evidence the government looks for in whistleblower/qui tam false claims cases and can help guide your case through an initial application or complaint, discovery, pretrial investigation and trial.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has information on a healthcare fraud or false claims case in any California county, contact the Evans Law Firm healthcare fraud attorneys at (415) 441-8669, or by email at Our attorneys have experience with complex financial contracts and large insurance companies. We can help guide your case through a jury trial or toward an equitable settlement. We handle cases involving physical and financial elder abuse, qui tam and whistleblower law, nursing home abuse, whole life insurance and universal life insurance, and indexed, variable, and fixed annuities.

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