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Aug 14, 2021 by |

California Environmental Attorney: Drought And The Tule Elk Of Point Reyes


Protecting Point Reyes Tule Elk Herds

Indigenous Peoples, Ranchers, And Environmentalists

Effect Of Extreme Drought On Tule Elk Herds

Point Reyes National Seashore is a scenic and protected space 30 miles north of San Francisco. Its 71,000 acres provides sanctuary for 1500 species of plants and animals, including the tule elk, the smallest species of elk. Three tule elk populations live at the national seashore: a fenced herd and two free-ranging herds beyond the fence line. Tule elk are found only in Northern California and there are only about 5700 left in the world.  The health and survival of the tule elk at Point Reyes is now the subject of a lawsuit to protect the species in their Point Reyes home.  Evans Law Firm, Inc. is not involved in that suit but commends it being brought.

“Every animal has great value,” said Laura Chariton, president of the Watershed Alliance of Marin, a former volunteer at the park, and one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. Local residents and activists like Chariton and the Watershed Alliance are suing the National Park Service for negligence in allowing the tule elk population to die off as a result of starvation and dehydration.  Extreme heat and low water levels have caused more than one third of one of the tule elk herds there to die.  Numerous animals have been found dead or entangled in fencing as they searched for forage and water.

Cattle ranchers and the Coast Miwok people who recognize the seashore as ancestral land are also stakeholders in the Point Reyes Seashore. Millions of tourists visit the seashore every year too.  The interests of all these groups are at stake in the Court case and future composition of the parklands.  Fortunately, people like Chariton and groups like the Watershed Alliance of Marin will make sure the voice of the endangered tule elk is heard too.  You can read a full article about the lawsuit here:

Evans Law Firm Environmental Commitment

Ingrid M. Evans and Evans Law Firm, Inc. represent the Watershed Alliance of Marin, Friends of Muir Woods Park, and Sierra Club in another lawsuit seeking to protect the Redwood Creek ecosystem further down the coast in Marin.  Redwood Creek is home to several endangered species including the Northern Spotted Owl, Coho Salmon, and Steelhead whose habitat is threatened by a proposed development.  Ingrid and co-counsel have sued the County of Marin and proposed developer for pushing ahead with the proposed development without full consideration of the impact it might have on these endangered species, other wildlife, water quality, fire hazard risk and traffic safety along Marin’s Panoramic Highway.  The suit is pending in the Superior Court of Marin County.

Contact Us

Ingrid M. Evans and Evans Law Firm, Inc. is a plaintiff’s law firm representing consumers, seniors, and organizations throughout California.  Ingrid can be reached at (415) 441-8669, or by email at <a href=””></a>.

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