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Nov 26, 2020 by |

California Elder Abuse Attorney: Remember Senior Loved Ones And Friends This Thanksgiving Day


Thanksgiving Day 2020 Is Like No Other

Safely Include Your Older Loved Ones

Seniors Need You More Than Ever

Ingrid M. Evans and all of us at Evans Law Firm wish you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving Day this year. 2020 surely brings a Thanksgiving unlike any we’ve had in our lifetime.  Travel may not be safe and large family gatherings may be out of question.  The restrictions strain and sadden all of us, but none more than our senior loved ones who in years past most likely hosted the large meals and gatherings that are taboo this year.  Remember those dear loved ones as you prepare for this year’s holiday season.  If family parties and visits are out figure out a way to get everybody together online or by whatever safe means you can use.  Our older loved ones need to know you care and feel your loved this holiday season more than ever before.

Keeping Senior Loved Ones Safe And Loved

This year, forced isolation of seniors has been necessary to protect them from the virus, but isolated older persons are particularly susceptible to abuse and manipulation.  Loneliness can also breed depression, and depression can affect physical health.  So this year, it’s perhaps more important to reach out to seniors living alone or in facilities perhaps more than ever before.  When you connect, if you suspect any abuse or problem at all, do something about it immediately. The elder abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm represent senior victims of financial or physical abuse or neglect whether in their own homes or in a nursing home or assisted care facility.  If you or a loved one has been the victim of any form of elder abuse call us today at (415)441-8669 and we can help.  We pursue all remedies available to abused seniors, including an award of attorneys’ fees and costs to them for bringing an action against their abusers.

Remember Some Specifics This Holiday Season

We ask that you keep some important tips in mind this Thanksgiving for keeping loved one’s safe and in the knowledge that they are loved:

  • First and foremost, stay involved in your beloved senior’s life. If you cannot visit safely in person, Zoom or Facetime with them.  Seeing the grandchildren on a phone or iPad will brighten their day – guaranteed!!
  • Don’t let someone else like a caregiver keep them from the phone. Talk one on one Thanksgiving Day and over the holiday weekend as much as you can.
  • If you can visit, wear masks and maybe even gloves. Never forget how vulnerable an older person is to Covid.
  • Encourage old friends and other family members to check in too and encourage your loved one to stay active in social and support groups and their church or synagogue, many of which are holding remote services via Zoom or on Facebook, or by links on their website. The more support surrounding a senior, the more protected they are from abusers.

Contact Us

Have a wonderful holiday with your older loved ones, but do act if you suspect any abuse or other problem.   Ingrid M. Evans and the other elder abuse attorneys at the Evans Law Firm can be reached at (415) 441-8669, or by email at <a href=””></a>.

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