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PHONE: 415-441-8669 | TOLL FREE: 888-50EVANS

Dec 25, 2024 by |

California Elder Abuse Attorney: Happy Holidays 2024-2025!


Make Holiday Plans With Seniors

Spend Time With Older Relatives And Friends

Isolated Seniors Need Your Love

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year for 2025 from all of us at Evans Law Firm! We hope you spend as much time as you can this holiday season with senior loved ones, neighbors, and friends. Plan some nice one-on-ones over coffee or tea and include older loved ones in any family and friends gatherings you’re planning. We represent seniors throughout the State of California who are victimized by all sorts of abuse. There seems to be a common thread among all the cases we see – the abused senior is alone and isolated from loved ones and friends. The number of older people’s friends declines with every passing year; some of their friends die, some move away. Their own spouse may be gone. Loneliness and grief intensify during the holidays. The holiday season is supposed to be merry and bright, but many elders feel increasingly isolated and unhappy this time of year. Reunite with them safely this year and get to know – one-on-one – what is going on in their life and if they are troubled about anything or if something just doesn’t seem right with them. If you or a loved one has been the victim of any form of elder abuse anywhere in California call us today at (415)441-8669. Our toll-free number is 1-888-50EVANS (888-503-8267).

Preventing Elder Abuse

Keep a few important ideas in mind about your older loved ones and friends this 2024-2025 Holiday Season:
• Check in on older loved ones, especially those with in-home caregivers, unannounced.
• Make sure your older loved one’s private financial papers are not accessible to caregivers or others, keep an eye on their belongings and money, know who’s coming and going, call frequently and always speak directly to your loved one.
• Don’t let someone else keep a senior from the phone or discourage you from calling. Caregivers and others who are taking advantage of an older person often cut off their communications with the outside world.
• Never ever allow a senior to grant a Power of Attorney to a caregiver.
• If your loved one needs help you cannot provide, do background checks on anyone you hire to help them and stop by as often as you can when caregivers are on the scene.
• Monitor the senior’s bank accounts and credit cards and make sure their valuables are safely stored away.
• Attend any meeting about financial matters your elderly loved one may have with anyone else.
• Encourage old friends and other family members to check in too and encourage your loved one to stay active in social and support groups and their church or synagogue. The more support surrounding a senior, the more protected they are from abusers.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one been the victim of elder abuse in California, contact Ingrid M. Evans today at (415) 441-8669, or by email at <a href=””></a>. Our toll-free number is 1-888-50EVANS (888-503-8267).

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"The Evans Law Firm has great attorneys that are relentless, with exemplary performance and energy devoted to my case. My case would not have resolved without Ms. Evans - a tireless attorney that will not give up or stop until the case is resolved successfully."
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