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Mar 27, 2014 by |

California Dementia Patients Missing


There have been three recent cases involving missing dementia patients in California.  Patients with dementia could have memory loss and impaired reasoning.  Assisted living facilities must take care to make sure that patients with dementia do not walk away from the premises.  Caring for a dementia patient at home can be difficult due to changes in personality and reasoning ability.  San Francisco financial elder abuse attorneys say that properly caring for dementia patients can be a challenge.

Dementia patients suffer from a decline in mental ability that is severe enough to interfere with daily life.  They can become disoriented easily and are at risk of wandering away from the places they reside.  Dementia causes short term memory loss.  Often those who develop dementia will lose track of their wallet or forget to pay bills.  Unfortunately, it is also true that they can wander away from care facilities, placing themselves in danger.  San Francisco financial elder abuse attorneys remind the public that those with dementia need extra care.

The three recent Los Angeles area missing dementia patients are a reminder that cognitive problems associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s are affecting more seniors than ever. San Francisco financial elder abuse attorneys would like to see an increased awareness of issues associated with dementia.

Evans Law Firm, Inc. handles elder abuse, financial elder abuse, physical elder abuse, annuity fraud, consumer fraud class actions, insurance and banking fraud cases.  If you think that you have witnessed or are the victim of elder abuse, or financial fraud then contact Evans Law Firm, Inc. at 415-441-8669 for a free and confidential consultation, or email us at


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