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Nov 24, 2020 by |

California And Marin County Elder Abuse Attorney: Dementia And The Trauma Of Elder Abuse


Financial Elder Abuse Of Seniors With Dementia

The Devastating Toll

Legislation To Prevent Elder Abuse 

Elder abuse takes a devastating toll particularly on those seniors afflicted with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia.  Those who live with Alzheimer’s or other dementia are not typically able to clearly communicate their thoughts or comprehend what is happening to them.  For those seniors especially the trauma of elder abuse can result in premature death, the deterioration of physical and psychological health, destruction of social and familial ties, devastating financial loss, and more.  The elder abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm, Inc. represent seniors throughout California who are victims of any kind of elder abuse.  If you or a loved one have been the victim of elder abuse here in Marin County or elsewhere in California, call us today at (415)441-8669. 

Raising Elder Abuse Awareness Through Legislation

In a rare act of bipartisanship, both house of Congress within the last few months unanimously passed the Promoting Alzheimer’s Awareness to Prevent Elder Abuse Act would require the Department of Justice (DOJ) to develop training materials to assist law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, medical personnel, victims services personnel, and others who encounter and support individuals living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Specifically, the new law would: 

  • Require that the National Elder Justice Coordinator take into account people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias when creating or compiling elder abuse training materials;
  • Instruct DOJ to consult with stakeholders, as appropriate, in developing these materials and to review and update existing materials; and
  • Include information in DOJ’s annual report about where to access the publicly available training materials.

What You Can Do To Protect Older Loved Ones

Increased awareness and training for those on the front lines of interaction with seniors is important.  But the best protection for your older loved ones begins with you.  Particularly in these difficult times stay involved in their lives; isolated seniors are at greatest risk of financial elder abuse.  Monitor their bank and credit card statements and keep their important papers and information like Social Security numbers in a safe place. Never ever give a caregiver of theirs a Power of Attorney. If you suspect abuse, call elder law counsel like the elder abuse lawyers at Evans Law Firm immediately.  Elder abuse cases have strict statutes of limitations and you do not want to be out of time to pursue any claims.  Our lawyers will pursue all remedies available to you, including the recovery of your attorneys’ fees and expenses against those responsible for the financial elder abuse of a senior.

Contact Us

Ingrid M. Evans and our other elder abuse attorneys represent victims of all kinds of elder abuse including complicated financial or insurance cases, or cases where an abuser has manipulated a senior’s estate plan for their own benefit.  If you or a loved one has been the victim of financial elder abuse in Marin or elsewhere in California, call us at (415) 441-8669, or email us at

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