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May 15, 2013 by |

Big Companies Avoid Taxes and Keep Billions of Dollars Overseas



            Big companies have been alleged by the SEC for keeping U.S. profits overseas, including GE, Apple, Microsoft, and Google. Here, GE alleged in the filing that it “reinvested most of these profits in foreign business operations and does not intend to bring those profits back to the U.S.” The complaint alleged GE is keeping about $108 billion overseas. According the analyzed data from the Wall Street Journal approximately “sixty big U.S. businesses kept on average more than 40% of their annual profits overseas last year.” For instance, drugmakers Merck and Johnson & Johnson each saved about $2 billion last year by shifting profits overseas (Bloomberg). Overall, the U.S. loses tax collection on these profits as well as domestic investments. Corporations pay an average tax rate of 1.8% which is much lower than the proposed tax rate for corporations in 2012 (Huffington Post).

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