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Jul 31, 2012 by |

Bank Manager and Husband Convicted of Elder Abuse in San Jose, California

By The Evans Law Firm of The Evans Law Firm on Tuesday, July 31, 2012.


In a tragic instance of elder abuse in San Jose, a manager at JP Morgan Chase Bank and her husband committed felony, theft, and elder abuse against an unsuspecting elderly man. The Chase Bank manager, Christina Bray, scammed the victim out of over $1 million by pretending to befriend him and “manage his finances,” then deceptively withdrawing from his bank accounts and appropriating his investments for her own personal use. The elder victim was retired, losing his hearing and eyesight, and like many elders, painfully susceptible to such horrendous abuses.

Many similar instances of elder abuse continue to go unreported and documented. This case, however, shows the promise of justice being served. Thanks to a Comerica Bank employee who alerted Adult Protective Services when the Brays attempted to open up a bank account under the victim’s name, the district attorney’s office began an investigation that culminated in the arrest of Christina and Jimmy Bray. Bray faces up to six years in jail for multiple counts of elder abuse.

Financial abuses continue to threaten the elderly members of our society. The Evans Law Firm is proud to join the fight against such abuses, and focuses on elder abuse litigation throughout California. If you or a loved one have been the victim of elder abuse, contact the Evans Law Firm for a free and confidential consultation at 415-441-8669 or e-mail .

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