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Author: Ingrid Evans

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Sentencing In Ponzi Scheme Targeting Elderly Investors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Defendants Accused Of Running $12 Million Ponzi Scheme 50 Reported Victims Include Many Seniors Victims Lost Retirement Savings Seniors may often be the targets in investment fraud schemes.   Promoters and financial advisors touting fraudulent schemes may lure older investors with supposed “opportunities” promising high returns, seizing on senior […]

Sep 14, 2022 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: California County Organized Health System and Three Health Care Providers Agree to Pay $70.7 Million for Alleged False Claims to California’s Medicaid Program

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Alleged False Claims To Medi-Cal Former Membership Services Director Blows Whistle Federal Government And California To Share Settlement Federal and California law authorizes citizens to bring civil lawsuits on behalf of the government against businesses defrauding the federal or State government.  False Claims Act, (“FCA”), 31 U.S.C. § […]

Contra Costa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested And Accused Of Overpaying Herself $15,000 With Senior’s Checks

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 73-Year-Old Disabled Victim Caregiver Allegedly Repeatedly Overpaid Herself Confused Victim Paid Caregiver Multiple Times For Same Hours Dishonest caregivers will take advantage of any impairment they perceive in the patients they’re paid to care for.  One primary impairment as patients age is their memory; while seniors may continue […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Stealing From 95-Year-Old Victim

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 95-Year-Old Victim Spots Suspicious Charges Unauthorized Purchases Include Trips Charged With 30 Felonies Of Unauthorized Credit Card Use Seniors are at risk of financial elder abuse from many different directions but sadly one of the most recurring is abuse by dishonest caregivers working in a senior’s own home.  […]

San Francisco Elder And Dependent Adult Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Dragging Disabled Patient By The Hair, Ripping It Out

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Arrested For Appalling Abuse Allegedly Dragged Disabled Person By The Hair Charged With Dependent Adult Abuse Felony Physical assault is a crime and, when perpetrated on a senior or dependent adult, is an additional crime of elder/dependent adult abuse and grounds for civil liability for damages.  Penal […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: California Attorney General Bonta’s Tips To Identify Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER California Attorney General Lists Warning Signs Identifying And Reporting Act On Any Suspicion Of Abuse Elder Abuse is a prevalent and widespread issue across the country that threatens vulnerable members of our communities. In California alone, there are more than 200,000 reported cases of elder and dependent adult […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Protecting Seniors From Financial Exploitation

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Steps To Protecting Seniors Adding A Trusted Contact To Financial Accounts How To Place A Hold On Accounts The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is a non-governmental entity that governs the financial industry from within.  FINRA polices member investment firms for compliance with regulations meant to ensure integrity […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Insurance Agents and Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Insurance Agent Diversion Of Funds Dishonest Agent Accesses Accounts Former Employees Alerted Authorities Of Irregularities Financial elder abuse causes billions of dollars of losses to older Americans and their families every year.  In many cases, the results are devastating.   All seniors are potential victims to financial predators, including […]

Sep 7, 2022 - Evans Law Firm by |

Los Angeles Whistleblower Attorney: Training Company And Community College Agree To $7.5 Million Settlement OF False Claims Act Allegations Related To Post-9/11 GI Bill Funding

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Veteran And Former Student Brings Action Defendants Accused Of False Certifications Of Student Mix Former Student To Receive $1.125 Million Reward Millions of Americans who served in the military have over the years have received money for further schooling from the “GI Bill”, which was expanded after 9/11.  […]

Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Stealing From Senior Living Community Residents

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Accused Of Stealing Jewelry And Cash Authorities Recover Some Pawned Items Suspect Allegedly Stole From Room To Room Residents of senior living communities, assisted care facilities, group homes and skilled nursing facilities are vulnerable to financial elder abuse just like those seniors who live in their homes under […]

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