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Author: Ingrid Evans

Mar 12, 2012 - Uncategorized by |

Hospital Efforts to Keep Elderly Strong

On behalf of The Evans Law Firm on Monday, March 12, 2012. ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Hospital Efforts To Keep Elderly Strong A startling statistic has recently come to light: at least one-third and up to two-thirds of hospital patients over the age of 70 leave the hospital weaker than they were […]

Feb 15, 2012 - Blog by |

Dava Pharmaceuticals Whistleblower Case Settles for $11 Million

Dava Pharmaceuticals Whistleblower Case Settles for $11 Million PRWeb Dava Pharmaceuticals, Inc., has agreed to an $11 million settlement in response to allegations of healthcare fraud. The allegations relate to a false misclassification of certain drugs: Cefdinir, Clarithromycin, and Methotrexate. The alleged misclassification of these drugs as “non-innovator” drugs as […]

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"The Evans Law Firm has great attorneys that are relentless, with exemplary performance and energy devoted to my case. My case would not have resolved without Ms. Evans - a tireless attorney that will not give up or stop until the case is resolved successfully."
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