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Author: Ingrid Evans

Nov 11, 2013 - Blog by |

Whistleblowers Programs Could Help Regain Funds From Tax Dodgers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER According to statistics from the California Franchise Tax Board, the state is owed approximately 6.5 billion dollars in unpaid taxes.  Some contend that a partial solution to the problem would be to implement a whistleblower rewards program to encourage people to report tax fraud. California whistleblower and securities attorneys […]

Nov 4, 2013 - Caregiver Fraud by |

Identifying and Preventing Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER According to the State Bar of California, one in seven senior citizens across the nation become victims of elder abuse.  Sadly, the abuse is usually perpetrated by a family member.  There are two major categories of elder abuse, physical elder abuse and financial elder abuse.  It doesn’t matter […]

Oct 30, 2013 - Elder Abuse by |

Elder Abuse Goes Unpunished in California

In California, elder abuse lawyers are reporting a disturbing trend—an alarmingly high number of financial and physical abuse cases against older people are going unresolved. California’s Department of Public Health has a myriad of laws in place to ensure that health care workers such as live-in caretakers and assisted living […]

Oct 25, 2013 - Blog by |

Whistleblower Fired From Position at Nuclear Facility

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER United State Senator Ron Wyden is investigating the recent firing of a nuclear power plant whistleblower.  The whistleblower worked for UBS Corporation for more than 44 years.   He was employed at a nuclear facility on the west coast.  Senator Wyden wrote a letter to the Energy Secretary about […]

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"After a year of frustration working with the insurance husband and I contacted Evans Law Firm. What a relief...within a month we had come to a resolution that was exceptable by all parties...THANK YOU EVANS LAW FIRM!"
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