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Author: Ingrid Evans

Jan 30, 2014 - Elder Abuse by |

Financial Elder Abuse in Monteray

A financial assistant from Monterey, California, was sentenced to three years of probation for defrauding older clients of their money last month. In addition to the probationary period, Sandee Palmer Larkin, 65, will have to spend 120 days in jail. Because California has a high population of residents over the […]

Jan 29, 2014 - Evans Law Firm by |

Holographic Wills

People around the world, regardless of their age, have grown increasingly reliant on their personal laptops, smartphones, and tablets for a variety of activities—both business and personal. And as our dependence grows, state laws have been changing as well, to fit the new lifestyles these devices encompass. In California, estate […]

Jan 23, 2014 - Uncategorized by |

Things to Consider with Your Estate Plan

Making preparations for dividing up your estate, assets, and possessions is not an easy task, but it is necessary for older Californians to prepare themselves in order to take care of the people they love. Estate planning involves taking stock of your personal wealth and possessions, as well as making […]

Jan 23, 2014 - Annuities by |

Genworth Agrees to Multi-Million Dollar Settlement Regarding Life Insurance and Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Genworth Life Insurance Company, Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company, and Genworth Life Insurance Company of New York agree to a multi-state settlement regarding life insurance and annuity practices.  This was a multi-state examination that included Florida, California, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.  […]

Psychological Elder Abuse

Every year, more than 4 million older Americans suffer from emotional, physical, and psychological abuse and neglect, and more than half a million of these victims never report the abuse, California elder abuse lawyers say. Although our society has several institutions such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities in […]

$48 Million Settlement in Medicare Fraud Case

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER A California based nursing home operator has agreed to pay a settlement related to two whistleblower lawsuits.  The settlement is reportedly worth $48 million dollars.  It was alleged that the nursing home operator submitted bills to Medicare for therapy sessions that were unnecessary or never took place.  Ensign […]

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"After a year of frustration working with the insurance husband and I contacted Evans Law Firm. What a relief...within a month we had come to a resolution that was exceptable by all parties...THANK YOU EVANS LAW FIRM!"
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