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Author: Ingrid Evans

Feb 16, 2016 - Blog by |

Elder Abuse by Your Own Family

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER In California, elder abuse occurs when one takes advantage of the real or personal property of a senior who is over the age of 65. Recently, a case was related of a senior who was financially abused by his own daughter. She stole $320,000.00 from him by draining […]

Feb 15, 2016 - Evans Law Firm by |

The IRS Whistleblower Review

The whistleblower division is responsible for processing thousands of tax whistleblower claims annually. Private individuals, known as whistleblowers, are authorized to bring on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service division a tax fraud suit to recover money lost. The IRS division shares the money recovered with the whistleblowers, and because […]

Feb 13, 2016 - Uncategorized by |

The Ascent of Health Care Qui Tam Litigation

The False Claims Act (FCA) is a federal law that imposes liability on federal contractors who defraud governmental programs. The Government is usually the most appropriate to act against fraud, but the FCA includes a qui tam provision that allows people, called the relators or whistleblower, to file actions on […]

Reinsurance Issues: Rate Increases

At least five major insurance companies have sent letters to policyholders in the past few months informing their policyholders that they should expect increases in premiums for their life insurance policies. Many of the people who received these letters were senior citizens who are age 70 or older. People in […]

Feb 4, 2016 - Annuities by |

San Francisco Annuity Fraud Attorneys: SEC Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Variable Annuities Examined in Priority by SEC for 2016, Advantage and Disadvantage The SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) disclosed its examination priorities list for 2016. The SEC is focused on retirement investments, and especially variable annuities as a retirement product warranting attention. The insurance companies are interested in […]

Feb 3, 2016 - Bay Area by |

San Francisco Qui Tam Attorneys: Nursing Home Care

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER A $125 Million Settlement Put Skilled Nursing Facilities on Notice A Qui Tam Lawsuit against the Kindred/RehabCare Nursing home company has just settled for $125 million, according to the law firm that handled the case. The claims, levied under the False Claims Act, were that nursing homes owned […]

Jan 30, 2016 - Bay Area by |

California Qui Tam Attorneys: Pharmaceutical

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Endo Pharmceuticals and seven of its subsidiaries will pay $39 million to settle a whistleblower qui tam lawsuit alleging that the company manufactured and sold fluoride multivitamins containing less than half the labeled dosage. Fluoride is important to the dental health of children. Generally, we could find fluoride […]

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"After a year of frustration working with the insurance husband and I contacted Evans Law Firm. What a relief...within a month we had come to a resolution that was exceptable by all parties...THANK YOU EVANS LAW FIRM!"
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