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415-441-8669 | TOLL FREE: 888-50EVANS

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Author: Ingrid Evans

Jul 27, 2017 - Annuities Fraud by |

Marin County and California Insurance and Annuity Attorney: Taxes on Surrenders

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Life Insurance Surrenders: The Tax Consequences Surrendering Life Insurance Whenever an insurance agent starts talking about surrendering or “changing” or “replacing” your life insurance policy, remember one important thing if nothing else: there will be tax consequences. We here at Evans Law Firm are not tax attorneys but […]

Jul 25, 2017 - Bay Area by |

California Whistleblower Attorney: Whistleblowing

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Worldwide Whistleblowing A former automotive engineer and employee of South Korean auto manufacturer Hyundai believed his former employer was hiding a dangerous product defect in its cars. He supposedly presented documentary evidence to both the South Korean and United States governments to substantiate his allegations. The whistleblower alleged […]

Jul 19, 2017 - Bay Area by |

California Annuity Fraud Attorney: Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Bank Broker Suspended and Fined for Mishandling Variable Annuity The Case Recently, a broker at a national bank was fined and suspended by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) for a year and a half after alleged wrongdoing. The broker allegedly put his wife on his client’s variable […]

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