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Author: Ingrid Evans

Apr 17, 2018 - Evans Law Firm by |

California Whistleblower Attorneys: Whistleblower Victory

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Whistleblower Prevails Against Corporation Many California whistleblower/qui tam cases are brought under the False Claims Act when the whistleblower (also known as a “relator”) has information of false claims being made for government payments or reimbursements. In order to dissuade whistleblowers from bringing such enforcement actions, corporations often […]

Apr 17, 2018 - Uncategorized by |

San Mateo County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse in San Mateo County

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Elder Abuse Financial elder abuse is an epidemic throughout the country and San Mateo County is no exception. A recently published local story revealed that a financial abuser had taken roughly $350,000 in electronic transfers from an 84-year-old San Bruno resident over a period of months.[1]  The […]

Apr 16, 2018 - Uncategorized by |

California and Alameda County Annuity and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Missing the Mark with Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Think Twice Before Buying an Annuity If you are over 60 and nearing retirement, you may be losing sleep over whether you’ll have enough income for your retirement years from your combination of pension benefits, Social Security, and personal retirement savings. Insurance agents and advisors, who stand to […]

Apr 13, 2018 - Uncategorized by |

Marin County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Temporary Holds on Senior Accounts

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER New FINRA Rule 2165 and Suspicions of Financial Elder Abuse Regulators are finally addressing the epidemic of financial elder abuse in this country. Among those regulatory agencies is the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the independent body that polices the nation’s financial industry. FINRA recently promulgated Rule 2165 […]

Apr 11, 2018 - Uncategorized by |

California Whistleblower Attorneys: Securities and Exchange Commission Whistleblower Award

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Securities and Exchange Commission Pays Record Whistleblower Awards The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has awarded a record $ 83 million to three whistleblowers tied to a 2016 settlement with Bank of America Corp’s Merrill Lynch brokerage unit. An attorney representing the whistleblowers said their clients tipped […]

Apr 9, 2018 - Annuities by |

Alameda County, San Francisco and California Life Insurance and Annuities Attorneys: Transamerica Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Transamerica Life Insurance Company Variable Annuities The California annuity attorneys at Evans Law Firm Inc. represent clients who have suffered losses from surrenders and fees on all types of annuity contracts, including fixed, indexed, and variable deferred annuities. These contracts charge sales commissions, rider fees and other benefit […]

Apr 6, 2018 - Uncategorized by |

San Francisco and California Securities Fraud and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Fiduciary Rule and Fixed Income Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Fixed Indexed Annuities and the Fiduciary Rule Putting You First In a victory for consumers, the US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit recently upheld the Department of Labor’s (DOL) fiduciary rule as it applies to insurance agents and advisors recommending fixed indexed annuities to customers. The […]

San Mateo County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Life Insurance Churning and Twisting

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Life Insurance Churning Millions of older Americans have whole life insurance policies with accumulated cash value. Typically, they were sold those policies when they were much younger as a tax deferred savings vehicle, passing the accumulation on to their children when they died.  Some insurance agents spot these […]

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"I highly recommend Ingrid and her law firm. If you are looking for an attorney who is a great listener, a compassionate advocate and who really knows the law, this should be your first stop."
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