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Author: Ingrid Evans

Marin County and California Financial Elder Abuse and Securities Attorney: Stockbroker Fraud and Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Seniors: Watch Out for Stockbroker Fraud If You’re a Victim, We Can Help Unscrupulous stockbrokers prey on seniors in particular. After all, seniors hold 1/3 of the nation’s wealth. Seniors may also be more receptive to higher return opportunities in a low interest rate environment.  Be careful.  Stockbroker […]

Nov 23, 2018 - conservatorship by |

California and Marin County Probate and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Conservatorships and Professional Fiduciaries

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Court-Appointed Fiduciaries Wield Great Power Potential for Abuse of Power Court-appointed conservators and other fiduciaries (such as guardians or trustees) wield enormous power over the dependent individuals and properties they are appointed to manage and protect. Court appointments supersede earlier Powers of Attorney, trustee nominations and the like […]

Nov 21, 2018 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and San Francisco Whistleblower and Banking Fraud Attorneys: Financial Fraud and FIRREA Whistleblower Cases

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Industry Whistleblowers The Government’s Whistleblower Program and Awards Government prosecutors need your help in prosecuting financial fraud and will reward you if your information leads to a recovery. The Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (“FIRREA”) and Financial Institutions Anti-Fraud Enforcement Act of 1990 […]

California Life Insurance and Elder Abuse Attorney: Whole Life Insurance Issued By Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company Whole Life Insurance If you are over age 60, live in California, and have cancelled (or surrendered) a whole or universal life insurance policy issued by Genworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company where you lost or may have lost money, contact the […]

Contra Costa County and California Financial Elder Abuse and Securities Attorney: Broker Background Checks

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Preventing Fraud and Abusive Practices Always Check Backgrounds Before You Buy Hopefully, you already check the backgrounds of any contractors or caregivers or others you let in your home to do work. Checking the background of anyone trying to sell you an investment is equally important!  The Securities […]

Nov 15, 2018 - Evans Law Firm by |

Government Announces Another Large Whistleblower Settlement

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER False Claims Act Cases Against Healthcare Industry Government Announces Another Large Whistleblower Settlement With help from whistleblowers, the government pursues companies and contractors who defraud the government with false claims for payment or reimbursement. The majority of false claims come from the healthcare industry. Typically, whistleblowers initiate recovery […]

Nov 13, 2018 - Annuities by |

Contra Costa County and California Annuity and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Fixed Indexed Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Beware Fixed Index Annuities Phantom Bonuses With over $200 billion in annual sales the annuity industry is big business. Annuities come in a variety of forms, all of which are complex.  Indexed annuities (sometimes branded “fixed indexed annuities”) are particularly complex.  Agents push them in volatile markets, claiming […]

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415-441-8669 888-50EVANS

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"We contacted Evans Law Firm when we were unable to collect on a Long-Term Life Insurance policy for an elderly family member. Ingrid responded almost immediately with an offer of a free consultation. I was immediately impressed with her passion for justice!!"
Posted By: Nancy Stevens

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