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Author: Ingrid Evans

Jan 25, 2019 - Annuities Fraud by |

Marin County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Elder Abuse By Insurance Agents

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER How Insurance Agents Can Financially Exploit Seniors Unscrupulous insurance agents can really wreak havoc on a senior’s finances. Agent misconduct ranges from outright theft to more subtle forms of exploitation such as selling unsuitable life insurance and annuity policies or churning a senior’s existing policies into new ones […]

Jan 24, 2019 - Annuities by |

San Francisco and California Annuities and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Annuities Issued by Athene Annuity and Life Company (formerly Aviva Annuity and Life Company)

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Full and Partial Surrenders or Cancellations of Athene Annuity and Life Company Annuities Athene Annuity and Life Company, formerly Aviva Annuity and Life Company,[1] issues fixed indexed annuities in California.  These contracts, like all deferred annuities, include penalties for early withdrawals, known as surrenders.  Surrenders may be full […]

California and San Francisco Whistleblower Attorneys: False Claims Act Cases in 2018

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Government Recovers Over $2.8 Billion Whistleblowers Lead Recovery Efforts Whistleblowers Initiated 75% of All Government FCA Recoveries Whistleblowers carry the laboring oar in enforcing laws against false claims to the government. Of the $2.8 billion recovered by the government in 2018 in False Claims Act (“FCA”)[1]cases, $2.1 billion, […]

Jan 22, 2019 - Consumer fraud by |

San Francisco and California Consumer and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Illegal Credit Repair Practices

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Misleading Credit Repair Practices Understanding the Harm to Consumers The California consumer attorneys at Evans Law Firm, Inc. advise consumers to think long and hard before signing up for credit repair services. Credit repair companies advertise heavily through telemarketing and mass media but the services do not always […]

Jan 18, 2019 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: False Claims And Uncollected Taxes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Whistleblowers and State Tax Fraud California Missing Out It’s high time California allowed whistleblowers to bring false claim suits for unpaid State taxes or provided for whistleblower awards for tax fraud tips. As matters currently stand, California tax laws violations are excluded from the California False Claims Act. […]

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