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Author: Ingrid Evans

Santa Cruz County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Alarming Spike In Financial Elder Abuse Cases

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Isolation Is Breeding Ground For Financial Abuse Unauthorized ATM Withdrawals Make Up Greatest Percentage Of Losses  Helping Isolated Seniors Throughout the United States and here in California and Santa Cruz County, incidents of financial elder abuse have skyrocketed as a result of the isolation of seniors, and the […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Elder Victim Allegedly Defrauded Out of $4.85 Million

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Isolated Woman Falls Prey To Financial Abuse False Pretenses, Impersonations And Deceit Led To $4.85 Million Loss Federal Prosecution Awaits Defendant Elder advocates estimate that around five million seniors are financially exploited each year financially, with anywhere from $2.9-36.5 billion in personal financial losses annually. These astonishing figures are […]

Feb 2, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco and California Life Insurance Attorney: Indexed Universal Life Insurance Policies Issued By Pacific Life Insurance Company

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IULs) Pacific Life Insurance Company IULs Indexed universal life insurance (IULs) are often sold by agents as savings vehicles for the future. These policies can be costly and complicated. A number of carriers offer IULs.  Pacific Life Insurance Company (usually referred to just as […]

Feb 2, 2021 - Uncategorized by |

San Diego County Whistleblower Attorney: Hospital Settles Claims Of Alleged Kickbacks

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER $48 Million Settlement Of False Claims Case Former Physicians/Owners Blow Whistle Allegations of Illegal Kickbacks And Contractual Obligations Current and former employees and even former owners of businesses may have information of health care fraud against the government by clinics, labs, hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, drug […]

Feb 1, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

Los Angeles and California False Claims Whistleblower Attorney: Unapproved Procedures And False Claims

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Justice Department Announces Settlement With Private Equity Investor Alleged Billing for Unapproved Procedures Whistleblower Rewarded Whenever an individual blows the whistle on fraud against the federal government or State of California, the individual can be rewarded when the government recovers as a result.  The grounds for the claims […]

Napa County and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Elder Abuse Dangers For Isolated Seniors During Pandemic

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER  Isolation Primary Risk Factor For Elder Abuse Perpetrators Exploit Isolated Elderly How You Can Help Isolated Seniors The persistence of unintended consequences from the best of intentions has a sad impact on seniors in this pandemic.  The very same safety measures put in place to isolate and protect […]

Jan 28, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

Santa Clara County and California False Claims Whistleblower Attorney: Illegal Kickbacks Allegedly Paid By Home Health Care Agency

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Justice Department Announces $5 Million Settlement Claims Of False Advertising And Kickbacks To Go To Jury Former Sales Representative Initiated Suit In 2002 Health care fraud against Medicare and other government health care programs is the largest source of fraud against the government and ultimately taxpayers. Individuals who […]

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"The Evans Law Firm has great attorneys that are relentless, with exemplary performance and energy devoted to my case. My case would not have resolved without Ms. Evans - a tireless attorney that will not give up or stop until the case is resolved successfully."
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