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Author: Ingrid Evans

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Remedies And Relief In Financial Elder Abuse Cases

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Important Elder Protections Under The Law Provisional Remedies To Protect Seniors Attorneys’ Fees Awards Financial elder abuse is a crime and grounds for a civil lawsuit for damages under California law.  See Cal. Penal Code § 368 (crime of elder abuse) and Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Jury Convicts Financial Advisor Of Stealing Over $1 Million From Elderly Client

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 72-Year-Old Victim Stolen Money Used To Buy BMW, Rolexes And Bahamas Cruise 20 Fund Transfers From Client’s Account Older persons may not be able to monitor their own financial accounts and if they do not have someone they trust looking things over, they can become victims of undetected financial […]

California and San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: Remember Senior Loved Ones And Friends This Labor Day!

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Make Up For Lost Visits This Labor Day Enjoying Safe Reunions Checking In With Seniors Every Holiday Happy Labor Day!  Be sure to include senior loved ones in your holiday plans – it’s finally a possibility once again.  Lockdown left seniors more isolated than ever and now is […]

Sep 5, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Diego Whistleblower Attorney: Mail-Order Diabetic Testing Supplier Pays $160 Million To Resolve Alleged False Claims To Medicare

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Former Call Center Employee Blew Whistle On Alleged Fraud  Allegations Of Kickbacks And Ineligible Recipients Waived Co-Pays Illegal  Healthcare providers of all sorts receive revenue from government reimbursements under government-sponsored health programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA.  Health care spending in the U.S. reached $3.8 trillion in […]

Santa Cruz County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Arrest Of Caregiver For Alleged Theft of $100,000 From Elderly Couple

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegations Of Unauthorized Credit Card Use And Forgery Family Discovers Financial Irregularities Caregiver Allegedly Increased Reverse Mortgage Balance As we have written before, every time a stranger or caregiver enters the home of an elderly person there is a risk of financial elder abuse.  We have seen cases […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Disadvantages Of Universal Life Insurance For Senior Consumers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Rising Premiums And Low Returns Of Universal Life Insurance Potentially Misleading Policy Illustrations Limitations On Growth Insurance agents often sell Indexed Universal Life Insurance as a tax-deferred estate planning investment, using the same sales pitch agents often use for deferred annuities. We recommend against indexed universal life insurance […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: When A Trustee Steals From A Trust

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Stopping Trustee Theft  Removal And Surcharge Remedies Appointing Successors Many Californians, especially seniors, create trusts to hold their assets, and there is a whole division of the California Probate Code that governs trusts.  See Cal. Probate Code §§ 15000-19530.  The individual creating the trust, referred to as the […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Sentenced For Financial Elder Abuse At Assisted Living Facilities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Jail Sentence For Defrauding Seven Seniors Caregiver’s Third Conviction For Financial Elder Abuse Investigation Lasted Twenty Months Financial elder abuse is sometimes a single event or transaction but more commonly it is a sustained scheme playing out over time. Either way, each and every act of financial elder […]

Aug 28, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco False Claims Act Whistleblower Attorney: $21.25 Million Settlement Of Illegal Kickback Allegations Against Hospital System

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Overpaying Physicians As Form Of Illegal Kickback Internal Audit Director Blows Whistle Whistleblower Will Receive 15-30% of $21.25 Million Healthcare providers in the U.S., including hospitals and clinics, are subject to a number of statutes to prevent any fraudulent billing under government programs like Medicare and Medicaid.  When […]

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