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Author: Ingrid Evans

Sonoma County Nursing Home Abuse Attorney: Risks Of Overmedication Of Seniors In Nursing Homes

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Use Of Sedatives As Chemical Restraints Dangers To Seniors Of Psychotropic Drugs Recourse For Abuse Or Neglect Overmedication occurs when an elderly patient is given excessive amounts of a medication or unnecessary medications. Overmedication can happen by mistake or can be intentionally done. If a patient is overmedicated […]

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Deferred Annuities: Unsuitable Investments For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Seniors Targeted For Annuities Surrender Penalties And Annual Fees Return Calculations Favor Carriers Not Policyholders Beware of insurance agents who continually pressure you to buy an annuity, or exchange a contract you already own.  Sometimes the sales pitch is made at free lunch seminars or receptions.  Take a pass […]

Los Angeles and Orange County CFTC Whistleblower Attorney: Agency Announces Several Covered Actions For Rewards

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER CFTC Announces Several Covered Actions Anonymous Tips From Whistleblower Start Cases Commodities and Futures Trading In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank), Pub. L. 111-203, established a whistleblower program within the U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to encourage individuals with information of […]

Contra Costa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Powers Of Attorney And Financial Abuse Of The Elderly

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Using A Power Of Attorney To Steal Abusers Revoke Prior Powers Recourse For Victims And Their Families Powers of Attorney (POAs) can cover financial matters and also health and personal care matters and medical needs.  The California Probate Code provides standard forms for both types of POAs.  See […]

Nov 2, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco False Claims Whistleblower Attorney: $37.5 Million Settlement Of Kickbacks, Improper Billing, And False Claims Allegations For Implantable Medical Hardware

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Settlement Of Multiple False Claims Allegations Kickbacks, Overbilling For Suspended Provider Services And Devices Former Executive Brought Case Individuals with information of fraudulent claims for reimbursement for health care services from the government can bring actions on behalf of the government to recover the money paid out on […]

Santa Clara County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Exploitation Of Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregivers, Strangers And New “Friends” Exploiting Seniors Taking Advantage Of Cognitive Impairment Protecting Seniors From Financial Exploitation Unscrupulous caregivers, new “friends,” and complete strangers may all exploit seniors financially.  The means vary from straight theft of cash or checks, forgeries, and identity theft to more elaborate (or harder […]

Napa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Disadvantages Of Deferred Annuities For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Agents Target Seniors With Unsuitable Deferred Annuities Withdrawal Penalties And Taxes On Surrenders Avoid Expensive Exchanges Or Switches Of Policies Agents push deferred annuities for senior consumers because sales generate substantial commissions.  Evans Law Firm, Inc. recommends seniors avoid deferred annuities, based on years of representing older consumers […]

Oct 29, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

Orange County Whistleblower Attorney: $90 Million Settlement Of Medicare Advantage Fraud Allegations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegations Of Submission Of False Diagnosis Codes Provider Allegedly Failed To Monitor Compliance Office Staff Member Blew Whistle  Health care fraud against private insurers and government programs like Medicare and Medicaid (called Medi-Cal here in California) amounts to billions every year. Every year private individuals recoup more of […]

Contra Costa Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Elderly Victim Wins $1.1 Million Award In Trust Contest Case

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Neighbor Allegedly Manipulated Elder’s Trust To Become Beneficiary Court Awards Double Damages Deceased Victim’s Niece Brought Trust Contest Californians create trusts to avoid probate expenses and delays at their death and provide for management of their assets if they become incapacitated.  Trusts are a good way to protect […]

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"The Evans Law Firm has great attorneys that are relentless, with exemplary performance and energy devoted to my case. My case would not have resolved without Ms. Evans - a tireless attorney that will not give up or stop until the case is resolved successfully."
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