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Sep 24, 2012 by |

Alleged Ponzi Scheme and Elder Abuse in Riverside County

By The Evans Law Firm of The Evans Law Firm posted in elder abuse on Monday, September 24, 2012.


Four suspects have recently been arrested in California and charged with elder abuse and other felony counts for running an alleged Ponzi Scheme. The suspects, affiliated with a company called Gold Country Lenders in Grass Valley, California, allegedly scammed and defrauded unsuspecting elder investors out of $2.3 million.

According to the state’s Attorney General Kamala Harris, the defendants “exploited personal relationships” with their elderly clients-turned-victims, resulting in a significant loss of personal assets and finances. The scamming of elders out of their finances by exploiting trust and vulnerability is unethical, unlawful, and all too common in the state of California.

The Evans Law Firm litigates on behalf of financial elder abuse victims. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a Ponzi scheme, investment fraud, or other financial elder abuse or scam in California, contact The Evans Law Firm at 415-441-8669 for a free and confidential consultation, or e-mail

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
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