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Jan 6, 2021 by |

Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Raising Financial Elder Abuse Awareness – “See Something, Say Something”


Influencers, “New Friends” And Caregivers

Watch For Changes In An Isolated Senior’s Life

”See Something, Say Something”

Seniors have suffered the most during the pandemic, both as a percentage of COVID victims and as a result of the harms associated with social isolation.  Social isolations inflicts emotional and physical sufferings from loneliness and neglect and also real economic harm from financial elder abuse and theft.  The elder abuse litigators at Evans Law Firm, Inc. know firsthand that isolated seniors are the most vulnerable to financial elder abuse; in so many of our cases the senior victim lives alone and may be recently widowed and living far away from their children, sisters and brothers, nieces or nephews or other extended family. If you suspect any financial abuse of an older loved one in Alameda County, call the elder abuse lawyers at Evans Law Firm, Inc. today at (415)441-8669 and we can help. 

Raising Awareness of Financial Elder Abuse

Particularly during the ongoing pandemic, it is important that seniors and all of us receive and share information and resources to better protect seniors from becoming victims of elder abuse and other crime. Most financial abuse to a senior is perpetrated by an influencer, or someone who has befriended the senior unexpectedly. Some signs may include:

  • Changes in living arrangements
  • Poor living conditions in comparison with a senior’s assets
  • Changes in the senior’s appearance
  • The senior no longer seems independent
  • A new “friend” has taken an inordinate interest in the senior’s like
  • Items go missing or are being taken without the senior’s consent

See something, say something. If you are a senior who is experiencing abuse or a loved one or friend of a senior who may be subject to abuse:

  • Contact elder abuse counsel to discuss legal recourse, remedies, and the time in which you need to bring a case.
  • Seek out additional support from a local community center, synagogue, or church.
  • Speak with your local Adult Protective Services unit and the police.
  • In the case of an emergency or if the abuse has turned physical, call 911

Financial Elder Abuse Often Escalates

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of acting immediately if you suspect any financial abuse whatsoever.  Financial abusers do not simply stop what they’re doing, especially if they think they are getting away with it.  Financial elder abuse can often start with relatively small amounts of missing cash or unauthorized purchases on a credit card.  But that kind of petty theft can escalate quickly.  Our litigators have seen cases where a caregiver starts out with that sort of small theft and ends up trying to take all of a senior’s money, and even their home.  Be particularly vigilant if a stranger or “new friend” takes an interest in the older persons.  Or if a caregiver moves in.  Never ever let a senior give a caregiver a Power of Attorney. 

Contact Us

Ingrid M. Evans and the other Alameda County elder abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm, Inc. represent senior financial elder abuse victims and their families against any persons or businesses responsible for the abuse. Ingrid will pursue all remedies available to you including getting stolen funds back, undoing any trusts or contracts the abuser may have fraudulently created, and an award of the attorneys’ fees and expenses you’ve incurred in bringing your case. If you suspect any abuse at all call Ingrid and our other elder abuse lawyers right away as there are time limits for bringing cases.  Ingrid and our other elder abuse attorneys can be reached at (415) 441-8669, or by email at

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